OnmacOS– double click the disk image, then when the window appears drag the installer onto the Applications folder. Run it from there. OnWindowsorLinux– just unzip it, put it where you want it and run it. On all versions, you will be asked to locate your X-Plane® folder and then...
thex-plane.org forums, theThresholdX forumsandour Facebook pageas we post updates to all these locations when we release a new version. If you’re not sure whether you have the latest, just re-run the installer and it will sort out your install. ...
现打包OSX文件夹分享,解压后将文件中OpenSceneryX文件夹放入X-Plane 9\Custom Scenery安装包解压后安装,安装路径指向x-plane9的安装路径~耐心等待检查这时你会发现,原本还有5000个下载项,现在为0了OSX就安装好了!115网盘下载,http://115.com/file/bht6o4k9#OpenSceneryX.zip 送TA礼物 1楼2011-10-17 11:24...