openrisc risc-v分享: RISC-V将总部搬离美国了的OpenRISC架构又太老旧了,所以他最终决定自己做个开源CPU架构,在2015年最终成立了RISC-V基金会。如今的RISC-V基金会成员也扩大到了300多家成员,包括Google、HP、西数等公司 LANxs 2020-07-27 17:40:06 ...
The OpenRISC 1200 processor is a widely used processor in small and medium embedded and networking application. It is open source and code of it is written in Verilog Hardware description language. It used Wishbone as an internal bus and also uses it to connect to external peripherals. Due ...
`include "define.v" module llbit_reg( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire flush, input wire we, input wire llbit_i, output reg llbit_o ); always @(posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin llbit_o<=1'b0; end else if(flush==1'b1) begin llbit_o<=1'b0; end else if(we=...
static inline int a_swap(volatile int *x, int v) { int old; do old = *x; while (a_cas(x, old, v) != old); return old; } static inline int a_fetch_add(volatile int *x, int v) { int old; do old = *x; while (a_cas(x, old, old+v) != old); return old; } st...
(hetnets).utor itshird-generationel-Fiystem, Nextivity designed itswn proprietaryres processor withixPUoresasednhepenRiscR1200.el-Fioostersreellular-repeaterystemsoromesndmallusinesses.sers place windownitousinghe networkPU indoors whereheellularignal istrongest.hisnitilters,oosts,ndetransmitsheign...
RISC-V架构支持32位或者64位的架构,32位架构由RV32表示,其每个通用寄存器的宽度为32比特;64位架构由RV64表示,其每个通用寄存器的宽度为64比特。 RISC-V架构的整数通用寄存器组,包含32个(I架构)或者16个(E架构)通用整数寄存器,其中整数寄存器0被预留为常数0,其他的31个(I架构)或者15个(E架构)为普通的通用整数...
Core description files for FuseSoC. Contribute to openrisc/orpsoc-cores development by creating an account on GitHub.
u-boot port for openrisc (fork of - mczerski/u-boot