只写模式(Write-only mode) def main(): from openpyxl import Workbook wb = Workbook(write_only=True) # 设置只写模式 ws = wb.create_sheet() # now we'll fill it with 100 rows x 200 columns for irow in range(100): ws.append(['%d' % i for i in range(200)]) # save the file ...
通过在创建workbook的时候,设置read_only=True的参数,设置为只读模式的状态。 代码语言:javascript 复制 from openpyxlimportload_workbook wb=load_workbook(filename='large_file.xlsx',read_only=True)ws=wb['big_data']forrowinws.rows:forcellinrow:print(cell.value) 只写模式(Write-only mode)...
再一次,常规openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet已由更快的替代方法代替openpyxl.worksheet._write_only.WriteOnlyWorksheet。当您要转储大量数据时,请确保已安装lxml。 fromopenpyxlimportWorkbook wb=Workbook(write_only=True)ws=wb.create_sheet()# 创建一个100*200的工作表forirowinrange(100):ws.append(['%d'...
只有单元格(包括值、样式、超链接、备注)和一些工作表对象(包括尺寸、格式和参数)会被复制。其他属性不会被复制,如图片、图表。 You also cannot copy worksheets between workbooks. You cannot copy a worksheet if the workbook is open in read-only or write-only mode. 无法在两个工作簿中复制工作表。当...
这是我的代码from openpyxl import Workbookfrom openpyxl import load_workbookdef get_data_list(filename, sheetname): data = record = [] # load excel file, read only mode wb = load_workbook(filename, read_only=True) # select sheet sheet = wb[sheetname] # write into data for row in ...
:type filename: string or a file-like object open in binary mode c.f., :class:`zipfile.ZipFile` :param read_only: optimised for reading, content cannot be edited :type read_only: bool :param use_iterators: use lazy load for cells ...
You cannot copy a worksheet if the workbook is open in read-only or write-only mode. 无法在两个工作簿中复制工作表。当工作簿处于只读或只写状态时也无法复制工作表。 数据操作 Playing with data 访问一个单元格 Accessing one cell Now we know how to get a worksheet, we can start modifying ...
wb=load_workbook('large_file.xlsx',read_only=True)ws=wb.activeforrowinws.rows:forcellinrow:print(cell.value)# Output:# Prints the values of all cells in 'large_file.xlsx'. Python Copy In this example, we open a large Excel file inread_onlymode and print the values of all cells. ...
Read-only mode relies on applications and libraries that created the file providing correct information about the worksheets, specifically the used part of it, known as the dimensions. Some applications set this incorrectly. Changing to read_only=False probably would fix this but would likely be a...
path.getsize(r'd:\bigxlsx.xlsx')# 文件大小:20M字节20230528>>>defread_xlsx(read_only=True):...