wb = Workbook() ''' - Creeat a sheet ''' ws = wb.create_sheet("Mysheet", 0) ''' - Get a sheet ''' ws = wb.active ws = wb["Sheet"] ''' - Rename a sheet ''' ws.title = "NewTitle" ''' - Set a sheet background color ''' ws.sheet_properties.tabColor = "ff0000...
book.save('sheets3.xlsx') The example modifies the background colour of the sheet titled "March". sheet.sheet_properties.tabColor = "0072BA" We change thetabColorproperty to a new colour. Figure: Background colour of a worksheet The background colour of the third worksheet has been changed...
The background color of the tab holding this title is white by default. You can change this providing anRRGGBBcolor code to theWorksheet.sheet_properties.tabColorattribute: 创建的工作表的标签背景色默认是白色。可以通过在Worksheet.sheet_properties.tabColor对象中设置RRGGBB格式的颜色代码进行修改: >>>ws...
Monaco, Consolas, "liberation mono", "courier new", monospace; font-size: 14.4px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1.125rem; overflow: scroll auto; display: block; color: rgb(33, 37, 41); line-height: 1.5em; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246); padding: 1em; border-radius: 0p...
滑块控件实例的主要方法比较简单,有 get()和set(值),分别为取值和将滑块设在某特定值上。滑块实例也可绑定鼠标左键释放事件<ButtoonRelease-1>,并在执行函数中添加参数event来实现事件响应。 例如:在一个窗体上设计一个200像素宽的水平滑块,取值范围为1.0~5.0,分辨精度为0.05,刻度间隔为 1,用鼠标拖动滑块后释放...
set a pattern for the whole series 32 series = c.series[0] 33 fill = PatternFillProperties(prst="pct5") 34 fill.foreground = ColorChoice(prstClr="red") 35 fill.background = ColorChoice(prstClr="blue") 36 series.graphicalProperties.pattFill = fill 37 38 # set a pattern for a ...
(styler_obj=header_style)# Set the background color to green where the test marked as 'passed'passed_style=Styler(bg_color=utils.colors.green,font_color=utils.colors.white)sf.apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style=sf[sf['Pass/Fail']=='Passed'],cols_to_style='Pass/Fail',styler_obj=...
The background color of the tab holding this title is white by default. You can change this providing an RRGGBB color code to the Worksheet.sheet_properties.tabColor attribute: 创建的工作表的标签背景色默认是白色。可以通过在Worksheet.sheet_properties.tabColor对象中设置RRGGBB格式的颜色代码进行修改: ...
(styler_obj=header_style)# Set the background color to green where the test marked as 'passed'passed_style=Styler(bg_color=utils.colors.green,font_color=utils.colors.white,**defaults)sf.apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style=sf[sf['Pass/Fail']=='Passed'],cols_to_style='Pass/Fail',...