-flir_camera(是否使用flir(点灰)立体摄像头。)类型:bool默认值:false -flir_camera_index(选择-1(默认值))可同时在所有检测到的flir摄像头上运行。否则,选择要运行的flir相机索引,其中0对应于具有最低序列号的检测到的flir相机,“n”对应于第n个最低序列号的相机。)int32:default类型:-1 -fps_max(最大处...
–camera 3: 读取 webcam number 3. –image_dir path_to_images/: 运行图像路径内的图片. –ip_camera http://iris.not.iac.es/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=320x240?x.mjpeg: 在 streamed IP camera 上运行. 参考public IP cameras 例子. –write_video path.avi: 将处理后的图片保存为 Vide...
Synchronization of Flir cameras handled. Compatible with Flir/Point Grey cameras. Calibration toolbox: Estimation of distortion, intrinsic, and extrinsic camera parameters. Single-person trackingfor further speedup or visual smoothing. Input: Image, video, webcam, Flir/Point Grey, IP camera, and supp...
# WITH_FLIR_CAMERA := 1 # Eigen directory (Ceres) # WITH_EIGEN := 1 EIGEN_DIR := /usr/include/eigen3/ # Spinnaker directory SPINNAKER_DIR := /usr/include/spinnaker # Whatever else you find you need goes here. INCLUDE_DIRS := /usr/local/include /usr/include/hdf5/serial LIBRARY_DIRS...
DEFINE_string(camera_parameter_folder, “models/cameraParameters/flir/”, “String with the folder where the camera parameters are located.”);相机参数所在路径 DEFINE_bool(frame_keep_distortion, false, “If false (default), it will undistortionate the image based on thecamera_parameter_foldercamera...
"models/cameraParameters/flir/", !false, (unsigned int)1, -1); // poseModel const auto poseModel = op::flagsToPoseModel("COCO"); // JSON saving //if (!FLAGS_write_keypoint.empty) // op::log("Flag `write_keypoint` is deprecated and will eventually be removed." ...
Follow the CMake installation steps. In addition, set theWITH_FLIR_CAMERA(only if Spinnaker was installed) andWITH_3D_RENDERERoptions. Increased accuracy with Ceres solver (Ubuntu only): For extra 3-D reconstruction accuracy, runsudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev, installCeres ...
"models/cameraParameters/flir/",!false, (unsignedint)1,-1); //poseModel constautoposeModel=op::flagsToPoseModel("COCO"); //JSONsaving //if(!FLAGS_write_keypoint.empty()) //op::log("Flag`write_keypoint`isdeprecatedandwilleventuallyberemoved." ...
Compatible with Flir/Point Grey cameras. Calibration toolbox: Estimation of distortion, intrinsic, and extrinsic camera parameters. Single-person tracking for further speedup or visual smoothing. Input: Image, video, webcam, Flir/Point Grey, IP camera, and support to add your own custom input sou...
Input: Image, video, webcam, Flir/Point Grey, IP camera, and support to add your own custom input source (e.g., depth camera). Output: Basic image + keypoint display/saving (PNG, JPG, AVI, ...), keypoint saving (JSON, XML, YML, ...), keypoints as array class, and support ...