见:模板匹配 AttributeError:'tuple' object has no attrbute 'rect' 这个报错提示,第一眼看上去是代码写错了,也确实是写错了,一个tupple没有rect这个方法。 但是这个代码是例程的代码,怎么回事呢? 固件和IDE不匹配!升级固件就好了! 常见故障 OpenMV插上电脑没反应怎么办? 检查OpenMV的电源。用万用表测量3.3V...
It is supposed to be in the image module but my computer cannot find it. I feel like I do not have access to the image librabry. I also received"AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SEARCH_EX' " I have an OpenMV3. ...