Privacy preserving Internet of Things: From privacy techniques to a blueprint architecture and efficient implementation The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest web evolution that incorporates billions of devices that are owned by different organizations and people who are... PP Jayaraman,X Yang,...
2 provides an overview of the OpenIoT platform, including an illustration of its architecture. Section 3 is devoted to the presentation of the main functionalities of the platform and how they can be used towards developing IoT applications. Section 4 provides an overview of real-life IoT ...
RISC-V is a new architecture which is getting adopted in embedded space, based on Open Source ISA, it offers promising future for CPU and hardware design as Linux did for software some 25 years ago, This talk will cover where the port is as of today, how Linux distributions e.g...
Starting a development for embedded IoT system can be a tedious task, starting with the tools and SDK installations. You also need to have proper operating system, cables and environment variables set up correctly in order to do anything. This can take hours if not days. In this tutorial, w...