It may be helpful to bring people's eyes lower with hand gestures if you find them staring above you. People who are talking to themselves, mentally or out loud, tend to look sideways as if they were speaking to another, invisible person. This is where the “liars look left” myth ...
They lookedback,skippedwords, and even changed facts partway through a sentence, but Duplexcould understandwhat was going on. TheAIsystem receives the voice of the person it is talking to on thephone. The voice goesthroughAutomatic(自动的)SpeechRecognition and is turned into t...
In other words: we never know what a user have screwed up in meantime By this our assumptions might be wrong and we might lead the user to do even worse. Good example are those three LUT-/gammaloaders: which was active and which profile was loaded when...