Trying to open the autosave.tif in Photoshop leads to the error message "not enough memory (RAM)". Instead, one has to wait until Deep Sky Stacker has openend the file after stacking. Then you are able to use the Dialog "Save as" on the left side. Selecting one of the TIF ...
11 # tessdata_dir_config = '--tessdata-dir "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\tessdata"' 12 ---> 13 print(pytesseract.image_to_string('Multi_page24bpp.tif'), lang='en')) 14 # print(pytesseract.image_to_string('test-european.jpg'), lang='fra')) ...
I bought Windows and iPad versions of Affinity Designer when Serif was having its 50% COVID-19 themed sale last Spring. Despite some of its limitations the application is growing in popularity, so I figured it might be a good idea to jump on that sale just to have the applicatio...
I created a document with 123 large TIF files, all linked, not embedded. Adding images was getting more and more slow. Crashes were getting more and more frequent. RAM usage was very high. At one point I could not open the file any more without crash. I moved the images to a ...
infrastructures Article CFD Evaluation on the Pre- and Post- Renovation, and Windows and Doors Opening, of a Typical, Walled, Detached Family House in the Philippines Napoleon A. Enteria 1,2,3,* and Odinah L. Cuartero-Enteria 4 1 Building Research Institute, Tsukuba 305-0802, Japan 2 ...
edited Imported v0.12 alpha into a project in Unity 5.6.1p4 on Mac OS X 10.12.5, then selected GitHub/Window from the main menu. This popped up: Then the entire editor became unresponsive and had to be force closed. Correction: The ~/.local/share/GitHubUnity/github-unity.log was not ...
Windows 7/8/10/11 View all screenshots copy an image to the clipboard without opening it Copy Contents is a simple right-click extension for Windows Explorer that makes it easier to copy the content of an image or text file to the clipboard without having to open the file first. Normal...
Another update, the ability to define the maximum number of GPU-backed windows has been testing well, but it did not go into the release that just came out today (24.4.1); it is scheduled to be available in the next BETA build (which you can get to in the Creat...
and it would open an instance of Photoshop CC, if one wasn't already open, and then open a TIFF called "<image filename>-Edit<ordinal>.tif" with all my Lightroom edits and what not. This evening, after updating Photoshop CC, when I right click the image in Ligh...
It seems to happen only when I open a TIF file from LR and try to save it. It does not happen so far when I open and save a RAW image from LR.I hope you would respond quickly as I am unable to use the program ...