Then I modified the input file to list two files that exist on my system and get an error message Cannot open , exiting. . . I extended the code that tries to open the file to get more output: fp = fopen(w->p->path, "r"); if(fp == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open ...
I have written code to play video using ffmpeg. The code works fine when i open AVI files but when i try to open a RTMP feed i get error. in the utils.c file in the following function of the utils.c file utils.c int avcodec_parameters_to_context(AVCodecContext *codec, const AVCodec...
If the issue depends on keyboard input, you can help us by enabling screencast mode for the recording (Developer: Toggle Screencast Modein the command palette). Lastly, please attach this file via the GitHub web interface as emailed responses will strip files out from the issue....
I keep getting this error message. Any help would be great! raise RuntimeError(prefix + _ffi.string(err_str).decode('utf-8', 'replace')) RuntimeError: Error opening 'data/NSDTSEA/clean_testset_wav/p232_001.wav': System error.
I tried an office install repair and a complete uninstall, registry/leftover files purge and re-install both didn't resolve the issue. I've have tried a file repair and that also seems to work, but I'm apprehensive about what changes the repair has made, is there a log of the fixes...
I've have tried a file repair and that also seems to work, but I'm apprehensive about what changes the repair has made, is there a log of the fixes it's made so I can verify? Many thanks in advance! John. When you perform a repair on an Office installation, the repair process ty...
Photoshop 25.5.0 crashes everytime I try to open a PDF created in InDesign regardless of content, size or quality. Opening from within Photoshop or drag and drop has the same result. Only option that works is to Place the pdf into a document. TOPICS Desktop-macOS ...
In this situation, Windows Installer attempts to write to the location C:\Windows\System32 and addresses it as a file. Proper behavior would be to write to the following location and file name: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\MSIxxxxxx.log. Microsoft has confirmed it to...
Issue: [b12161] File->Preferences before opening a game throws an error Pages:1 itowerinyou Junior Stencyler March 09, 2024, 06:28:51 am Code:[Select] 2024-03-09 15:31:40,173 INFO [main] stencyl.core.log.LogManager: Logfile: C:\Users\p\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\logs\...
In this situation, Windows Installer attempts to write to the location C:\Windows\System32 and addresses it as a file. Proper behavior would be to write to the following location and file name: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\MSIxxxxxx.log. Microsoft has confirmed it to...