Below is an example of opening a port in the bare metal server firewall. ### Opening a port in the firewall We will use the `ufw` utility ([cheatsheet]( You can...
Name[gz::launch::WebsocketServer] File[gz-launch-websocket-server] [Dbg] [] Using port[9002] [Dbg] [] Using maximum connection count of -1 [Wrn] [] Partial SSL configuration specified. Please specify: <ssl> <cert_file>PATH_...
error in opening...installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081 Exception in thread "main" error in opening...Reason: error in opening zip file Exception in thread "main" error in opening...installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081 Excep...
Ubuntu18.04 x11vnc启动失败,报错error opening logfile: /var/log/x11vnc.log 前提概要 报错 解决方案 前提概要 之前在Ubuntu18.04 安装了x11vnc,最近通过vnc view连不上了,使用ssh登录后,根据journalctl -u x11vnc 发现报错 创建/var/log/x11vnc.log后查看x11vnc.log 报错 代码语言:javascript 复制 root@VM-...
I have a mysql server on my Ubuntu 20.04 server on a local network as the backend for my GnuCash installation. I can connect with no trouble using an SSH tunnel from my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. However, I have recently acquired a Windows 10 laptop, and I cannot connect. I have been able...
[--distribution, Ubuntu-22.04, --exec, /bin/sh, -c, export RUST_LOG=info && cd '/mnt/c/Program Files/JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2022.2.2/plugins/wsl-fs-helper/bin' && ./server --port 52519 --instance WSL-Ubuntu-22.04 --logs-path /mnt/c/Users/michaelz/AppData/Loca...
cannot uninstall Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 cannot update the ubuntu on WSL. Cannot view thumbnails or preview image files over network Cannot: runas /user:administrator cmd canon scanner problem windows 10 Canon SMB, PC sends RST, ACK to a Negotiate Protocol Request Cant ...
But I understand that Debian isn't on the list of the officially supported distros (this is the first time, in my personal experience, that a software intended for a Debian-based distribution does not work on ... Debian!) On Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (5.8.0-53) X86_64 Webex st...
Linux下部署ThinkPhp项目出现file_put_contents () failed to open stream: Permission denied 的解决办法 zblog显示 Table‘zbp_post’is marked as crashed and should be repaired 错误的3种解决方法 ThinkPHP报错“未定义数组索引”的原因与解决方法 asp站点报错An error occurred on the server when processing ...
Hi, I achieved a Laravel5 website running OK on my local server and uploaded on bitbucket. I decided to use Forge+Digital Ocean for the deployment on remote server. I encounter a first deployment failure with ' /home/forge/default/bootstrap/cache dir