OpenImages V6 is a large-scale dataset , consists of 9 million training images, 41,620 validation samples, and 125,456 test samples. It is a partially annotated dataset, with 9,600 trainable classesHomepage Benchmarks Edit TrendTaskDataset VariantBest ModelPaperCode Multi-Label Classification ...
所以当网络预测了一个 Person 类别的框时,我们需要忽略这个框。这里也就用到了另外一个非常重要的标注文件validation-annotations-human-imagelabels-boxable.csv,这个文件用来表示图片所包含的正负类别。 Confidence 为 1 的是正类,为 0 的是负类。 带有GroupOf 标签的框要单独考虑 在前文我们介绍了 Open Images ...
Open Images Dataset V6,谷歌图像公开数据集Open Images Dataset V6是谷歌开源的一个强大的图像公开数据集,里面包含约 900 万张图像,600个类别。可用于图像分类、对象检测Action/Event Detection 机器视觉 公开数据集
main_folder │ │└───OID │ file011.txt │ file012.txt │ └───csv_folder | | | └───v4 | | | └───v5 | | | └───v6 | │ class-descriptions-boxable.csv | │ validation-annotations-bbox.csv | └───Dataset | └─── test | └─── train |...
These are the outputs and results on the validation set of the Unified Detector (line based) model proposed in our paper. Note the results are different from the ones reported in the paper which are computed on the test set. Evaluation on the test set To evaluate on the test set, please...
Using this method, the data is split into ten distinct folds, each of which is used at different stages for training and validation. By doing this, it is made sure the model is tested on a variety of data subsets, which reduces the possibility of overfitting and gives a more complete ...
如上图所示,我们看到图片里面正类有 Backpack 和 Cat,负类有 Dog。所以当网络预测了一个 Person 类别的框时,我们需要忽略这个框。这里也就用到了另外一个非常重要的标注文件validation-annotations-human-imagelabels-boxable.csv,这个文件用来表示图片所包含的正负类别。
如上图所示,我们看到图片里面正类有 Backpack 和 Cat,负类有 Dog。所以当网络预测了一个 Person 类别的框时,我们需要忽略这个框。这里也就用到了另外一个非常重要的标注文件validation-annotations-human-imagelabels-boxable.csv,这个文件用来表示图片所包含的正负类别。
--datasetstrThe root directory for saving OIDv6 Default value: OIDv6- --type_datastrDataset Default value: traintrain validation test all --classesstrSequence of class names or text file- --limitintImages Upload Limit Default value: 0 (no limit)From0to∞ ...