Home Assistant应用从各种OpenHAB没有的功能开始,第一个就是位置追踪。位置跟踪允许您的设备定期将其GPS位置发送给Home Assistant,这对自动化很有用。OpenHAB支持GPS追踪器,但只能通过第三方程序,如OwnTracks。 Home Assistant还支持可操作的警报,允许用户直接从通知中进行选择,然后Home Assistant服务器将根据输入进行操作,...
Home Assistant also supports the largest number of devices which is approximately 1400 components. The OpenHAB on the other side has a fewer number of supported devices which stands around 800. This makes the Home Assistant gain more votes as it has a user-friendly way to ensure the growing n...
Home Assistant是一个成熟的,开源的智能家居平台,这个平台的目的是把所有能通过 Wifi 控制的电器全部接入进来统一管理,这样你可以在手机、电脑上随时随地了解家里的情况并做出控制。适合树莓派开发,教程较多。 地址:https://home-assistant.io/ Git:https://github.com/home-assistant openHAB是一个纯Java打造的开源...
Smart Assistant是一个全面开源的智能家居生态系统,为国内首个采用智能家居系统全生态开源协议(Apache License, Version 2.0)的软件,其结合国内智能家居各厂商软件特点,研发“智汀家庭云”,从而实现不同品牌之间的兼容、联动。 地址:zhitingtech.com/doc/doc 体验中心:sademo.zhitingtech.com/ 开源智能家居项目补充: E...
03 用的domoticz mqtt没有什么问题 domoticz mqtt可以用在homeassistant?
The original implementation for a fan with speeds was written without an actual device, and just guessing from Home Assistant's limited documentation. Now I actually have a 3-speed fan, and I can s...
jlaur changed the title [mqtt.homeassistant] bring AlarmControlPanel in line with current documentation [mqtt.homeassistant] Bring AlarmControlPanel in line with current documentation Nov 11, 2024 matchews pushed a commit to matchews/openhab-addons that referenced this pull request Dec 16, 2024...
Home Assistant是一个成熟的,开源的智能家居平台,这个平台的目的是把所有能通过 Wifi 控制的电器全部接入进来统一管理,这样你可以在手机、电脑上随时随地了解家里的情况并做出控制。适合树莓派开发,教程较多。 地址: https://home-assistant.io/ Git: https://github.com/home-assistant ...
Smart Assistant是一个全面开源的智能家居生态系统,为国内首个采用智能家居系统全生态开源协议(Apache License, Version 2.0)的软件,其结合国内智能家居各厂商软件特点,研发“智汀家庭云”,从而实现不同品牌之间的兼容、联动。 地址: https://www.zhitingtech.com/doc/docs/introduction ...
THB251.21ลด 7% ราคาก่อนรวมภาษี Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus EFR32MG21 Universal เปิดเกตเวย์ Zigbee ทำงานร่วมกับ Home Assistant OpenHAB Zigbee2MQTT ZHA NCP ...