GLFW error 65543: WGL: OpenGL profile requested but WGL_ ARB_ create_ context_ profile is un...
com.jogamp.opengl.GLException: J3D-Renderer-1: createImpl ARB n/a but required, profile > GL2 requested (OpenGL >= 3.1). Requested: GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.hw], current: 3.1 (Compat profile, compat[ES2, ES3], FBO, hardware) - 3.1 Mesa 20.0.8 at jogamp.opengl.x11.glx.X11GLXContex...
If present, this attribute indicates that the pixel format choosing policy is altered for the color buffer such that the buffer closest to the requested size is preferred, regardless of the actual color buffer depth of the supported graphics device.Deprecated var NSOpenGLPFAColorFloat: IntDeprecated...
SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE ; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { flags |= (View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE); } } setSystemUiVisibility(flags);234 changes: 0 additions & 234 deletions 234 src/com/hippo/ehviewer/gallery/...
This unassuming little function is your gateway to OpenGL entry point utopia This function can be used to obtain a pointer to an object with member functions for every function in the requested OpenGL version and profile. Let’s take a look at a simple example. Say we have created a Q...
对于原文我有些删减,大致的意思就是说,如果没有 glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; 这个语句,glew的在核心模式(core profile)下的初始化就没有完成,但 glewInit() 仍然可以编译。这也就说明了为什么 glewInit() 明明编译成功了,但还是会报错。接着又说了一下freeglut中,implementation如果不满足版本肯定会报错的,即使...
In the case of an OpenGL 3.0 context, the corresponding values would be 3, 0, and some combination of attributes. This new functionality provides a guarantee that the device returned is the requested OpenGL device or nothing, which means that the version is unsupported. The attributes that can...
[NSGL] Bugfix: A core profile OpenGL context was returned if 3.2+ compatibility profile was requested [EGL] Added platform selection via the EGL_EXT_platform_base extension (#442) [EGL] Added ANGLE backend selection via EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle extension (#1380) Changelog since 3.3 Added GLFW...
* @param profile a valid GLProfile name ({@link #GL4bc}, {@link #GL4}, {@link #GL2}, ..), * or [ null, GL ] for the default profile. * @throws GLException if the requested profile is not available for the device. */ public static GLProfile get(final AbstractGraphicsDevice...
Note: Calling QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat() before constructing the QApplication instance is mandatory on some platforms (for example, macOS) when an OpenGL core profile context is requested. This is to ensure that resource sharing between contexts stays functional as all internal contexts are ...