• 宝锋 DM-5R 没有左右方向键,由 A/B 和Band 按键代替 左 方向键和 右 方向键。 为联系人或通话组指定时隙(Assignment of Timeslot to Digital Contact TalkGroup) CPS 最近新增的一个功能允许您为每个联系人或通话组指定一个时隙。 默认状态下,信道时隙指定功能是关闭的。这意味着如果您在通话组列表中...
0x80: Optional DMRID sets, 0x40: no beep, 0x20: no Eco, 0x10: OutOfBand(MD9600 only, never saved in codeplug) uint8_t rxSignaling; // +-- uint8_t artsInterval; // | These 3 bytes were repurposed for optional DMRID uint8_t encrypt; // +-- uint8_t rxColor; uint8_t ...
I found "B" and "C" would scroll the options but it took me hitting alot of Buttons til I found out the Band/ESC button on the base saved it! So I've looked through this whole thread all 11 pages and didn't see what all the buttons do. Is there such a document or is it ...
宝锋DM-5R 没有左右方向键,由 A/B 和Band 按键代替 左 方向键和 右 方向键。为联系人或通话组指定时隙(Assignment of Timeslot to Digital Contact TalkGroup)CPS 最近新增的一个功能允许您为每个联系人或通话组指定一个时隙。默认状态下,信道时隙指定功能是关闭的。这意味着如果您在通话组列表中按压 左 ...
, .error = "EROARE", .rx_only = "Doar Rx", .out_of_band = "IN AFARA BENZII", .timeout = "EXPIRAT", .tg_entry = "Introducere TG", .pc_entry = "Introducere PC", .user_dmr_id = "ID propriu DMR", .contact = "Contact", .displayRxFreq = "%d.%05d MHz", .accept_call...