GAUSS_ENV = 2 indicates successful installation 表示数据库已经安装成功 5.如果因为python环境变量原因无法执行gs_preinstall,可以这样执行:python3 /opt/software/openGauss/script/gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/openGauss/clusterconfig.xml 6.[GAUSS-50201] [GAUSS-50201]:The /opt/softwa...
6.预安装成功后进行安装操作 (1)source ~/.bashrc (2)gs_install -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml 如果遇到[GAUSS-51806] : The cluster has been installed.则vim ~/.bashrc,修改下cluster即可,我是从2改为1,然后重新执行gs_install -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml 7.安装...
openGauss是一款开源关系型数据库管理系统,采用木兰宽松许可证v2发行。openGauss内核深度融合华为在数据库领域多年的经验,结合企业级场景需求,持续构建竞争力特性。openGauss社区版本分为长期支持版本和创新版本:· 长期支持版本 (LTS) ——规模上线使用,发布间隔周期为1年,提供3年社区支持。· 社区创新版本 (Preview)...
Installing the tools in the cluster. Successfully installed the tools in the cluster. Checking hostname mapping. Successfully checked hostname mapping. Checking OS software. Successfully check os software. Checking OS version. Successfully checked OS version. Creating cluster's path. Successfully created...
Are you sure you want to create the user[omm] and create trust for it (yes/no)? no -- 输入no Preparing SSH service. Successfully prepared SSH service. Installing the tools in the cluster. Successfully installed the tools in the cluster. Checking hostname mapping. Successfully checked host...
plat1:/opt/software/openGauss/script # ./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml Parsing theconfigurationfile. Successfully parsed the configuration file. Installing the tools on the local node. Successfully installed the tools on the local node. ...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user"omm".This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale"en_US.UTF-8".The default database encoding has accordingly beensetto"UTF8".The default text search configuration will beset...
status.Waitingforthe cluster status to become normal..The cluster status is normal.Upgrade main process has been finished,user candosome check now.Once the check done,please execute following command to commit upgrade:gs_upgradectl-t commit-upgrade-X/opt/software/gaussdb_upgrade/cluster_config.xml...
Are you sure you want to create the user[omm] and create trust for it (yes/no)? yes Preparing SSH service. Successfully prepared SSH service. Installing the tools in the cluster. Successfully installed the tools in the cluster. Checking hostname mapping. Successfully checked hostname mapping....
The cluster status is Normal. Successfully started cluster. Successfully installed application. end deploy.. 问题处理 字符集不是UTF8 --问题描述安装完成后登录数据库查看数据库时字符集不是UTF8 --原因执行安装时未指定字符集参数,,未指定字符集参数执行安装时字符集默认是SQL_ASCII --解决办法 --查看配置文...