What happened: 文档《工具参考》中“服务端工具”gs_collector、gs_checkperf等命令,在可执行文件中没有找得到 What you expected to happen: 安装完成后统一放在可执行文件目录,并让omm 操作系统用户方便调用 How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): N/A Anything else we need to know?
For example: /sig sqlengine or /sig storageengine or /sig om or /sig ai and so on. You can find more SIG labels from Here. If you have no idea about that, please contact with @xiangxinyong , @zhang_xubo . jiexiao1413 将负责人设置为陈栋 1年前 jiexiao1413 将关联项目设置为openGau...