1 删除所有计算结果文件OpenFOAM自带命令 foamListTimes -rm 删除除了0文件之外的结果文件。 如果0文件也要删除,则添加 -withZero 选项: foamListTimes -withZero -rm 另一些方法则利用一些linux自带的命令 方法…
1.SIMPLE求解器中argList的实例化位置 如图1所示,simpleFoam.C文件为SIMPLE算法的main函数文件,在main函数体中include了setRootCaseLists.H头文件,该头文件其实就是argList类的对象实例化过程语句。 图1.SIMPLE求解器main函数中调用setRootCaseLists.H头文件 如图2所示,setRootCaseLists.H头文件的内容中核心语句即为...
List helper to append y elements onto the end of x. More... struct uniqueEqOp< T > List helper to append y unique elements onto the end of x. More... struct unionEqOp List helper to add y unique elements to x. More... struct less< ListType > A list compare binary predicate fo...
2、添加镜像源并更新 打开sources.list文件 sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 删除全部内容,添加清华镜像源。 链接:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/help/ubuntu/ # 默认注释了源码镜像以提高 apt update 速度,如有需要可自行取消注释deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jammy main restric...
Foam::DynamicList<int> Foam::UPstream::myProcNo_(10); 这里我觉得有必要扩展解释下Foam::DynamicList,Foam内非常常见的一种数据类型 Foam::DynamicList,公有继承于Foam::List的vector容器 openfoam对其的描述为: A 1D vector of objects of type < T > that resizes itself as necessary to accept the ...
说了一些常用的类,下面介绍一些比较基础底层的类:IOdictionary,argList,IOobject,IOdictionary类是继承于regIOobject类和dictionary类,其主要作于是读入和写入数据。如读取PISO控制参数,或读入transportProperties参数等等。它派生出许多类:1. basicThermo(用于基 19、本热力学参数读取和计算)2. LESModel(大涡模拟模型...
ParSortableList (const label size) Construct given size. Sort later on. More... void sort () (stable) sort the list (if changed after construction time) More... const labelList & indices () const Return the list of sorted point indices. More......
foamToC工具:工具替代了用于列出模型及其选项的-list...选项。 5 模块求解器的应用 通过模块求解器,面向对象的优势现在已经扩展到了OpenFOAM的求解器组件。与应用求解器以过程化方式呈现方程、算法和模型接口不同,模块求解器是围绕在foamRun/foamMultiRun应用程序中包含的通用算法构建的。方程和接口在类层次结构的不同...
codeStream FixedList ListOps patchToPatch string CompactIOList foamVersion Map PointEdgeWave stringList CompactListList Function1 mappedPatch pointField symmTensorField cubicEqn fvc Matrix polygonTriangulate syncTools cyclic fvMeshStitcher memInfo Polynomial tensor ...
fields and dictionaries with time class ◦ Main simulation control dictionary: controlDict ◦ Holding paths to root, case and associated data • Associated class: regIOobject: database holds a list of objects, with functionality held under virtual functions Five Basic Classes in OpenFOAM – p...