Home OpenFOAM API Man pages Modules Namespaces Classes Files ▼OpenFOAM: API Guide Home OpenFOAM®: Open source CFD : API Man pages ▼Modules ►Boundary conditions ►Combustion models ▼FunctionObjects ►Field function objects ►Forces function objects Graphics function objects ►Lagrangian fu...
OpenFOAM®: Open source CFD : API Man pages ►Modules ►Namespaces ▼Classes ►Class List Class Index ►Class Hierarchy ▼Class Members ►All ▼Functions a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ ►Variables ►Typedefs ►Enumerations ►Enumerat...
The OpenFOAM Source Code Guide | OpenFOAM v11 | The OpenFOAM Foundation和https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/latest/man/simpleFoam.html。 主流OpenFOAM的两个网站相关资料主要包含:Documentation,简易版的 OpenFOAM 帮助手册,包含部分算例的教程; OpenFOAMAPI:包含 Modules、Namespace List、Class ...
来自https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/latest/api/group__grpCombustionSolvers.html 所有的燃烧模型 chemFoam.C Solver for chemistry problems, designed for use on single cell cases to provide comparison against other chemistry solvers, that uses a single cell mesh, and fields created from...
MPICH是MPI标准的一种最重要的实现,MPI是为统一不同的MPP产家的消息传递API而制订的工业标准。MPI是一个库,而不是一门语言。 $tar -zxvf mpich2-1.1.1p1.tar.gz **到MPICH官方网站下载源代码包,解压到$ WM_THIRDPARTY_DIR $./configure --prefix=$WM_THIRDPARTY_DIR/platforms/linux64Gcc/mpich2-1.1....
CONFIG: set API level to 2412 (initial pre-release state) 2个月前 etc RELEASE: Updated headers to v2412 2个月前 modules SUBMODULE: update visualization for v2412 (with c++17 standand) 11天前 plugins COMP: plugins: updated cfMesh
...此模块由 TensorFlow C API 构建,并集成为 OpenFOAM,作为可能在运行时链接的应用程序。值得注意的是,我们的公式排除了与神经网络架构类型(即卷积、完全连接等)相关的任何限制。...Deploying deep learning in OpenFOAM with TensorFlow Romit Maulik, Himanshu Sharma, Saumil Patel, Bethany...Lusch, Elise ...
来自https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/latest/api/group__grpCombustionSolvers.html 所有的燃烧模型 chemFoam.C Solver for chemistry problems, designed for use on single cell cases to provide comparison against other chemistry solvers, that uses a single cell mesh, and fields created from...