特发奇想,如果豆瓣索性都open了。 如同emule,bt, 动网阿。 全世界各大小站长,都可以用这样的系统,去开个sns。 那也不错。那时候,阿北同学收收licence的钞票,也就high翻了。 貌似开发flashget的同学,现在收入也有百万级了。 哈哈。赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 ...
初次提交flutter项目. Contribute to wquzhongrensan/FlutterDouBan-dev-open development by creating an account on GitHub.
The article presents information on the Douban web site, said to be the main online information source for both signed and unsigned Chinese bands. Launched in fall 2004 as a forum to review and discuss books, movies and music, it has grown into a huge database, with images, track li...
LibraryDoubanDouban is growing increasingly which has caused the attention of the society.In the face of Douban,how the library to deal with it,this article thinks it is wise to take cooperative strategies undoubtedly,and also discusses the ...
Open fermented doubanjiang-mejuAroma-active compoundsOdor activity values (OAVs)Doubanjiang-meju has been used as an intermediate for producing Pixian Douban (PXDB) and contributes significantly to its flavor. In this study, a profiling analysis of volatile compounds in open fermented doubanjiang-...