1.在src/image.c里面修改show_image函数 int show_image(image p, const char *name, int ms) { #ifdef OPENCV // int c = show_image_cv(p, name, ms); // 增加保存结果视频 int c = save_video(p, name, ms); return c; #else fprintf(stderr, "Not compiled with OpenCV, saving to %s...
一、自己写的:打开和保存相机视频 bool COpencvTestDlg::OpenAndSaveVideo() { //定义VideoCapture对象选择摄像头 VideoCapture capture(0); //判断是否出错 if (!capture.isOpened()) { return false; } //获取视频相关信息---分辨率(宽、高) double frameHeight = capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);...
像素 1.图像 图像:定义为二维函数f...gray = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 将image图片转换成灰度图 cv.imwrite("huidu.png",gray) #将转换后的图片保存为...if c == 27: #如果按esc退出的话,这里必须是等于27,27是esc的ASCLL十进制表示 break 5.视频保存 def save_video...(最好使用...
4.out = cv2.VideoWriter(video_save_path, fourcc, video_fps, size) #指定写视频的格式,video_fps为20是正常,小于则是慢镜头 5.out.write(frame) #写入图片 6.frame = cv2.putText(img,str(i),(123,456),font,2,(0,255,0),3) #依次是图片,文字,左上角坐标,字体,字体大小,颜色,字体粗细 impor...
("video",frame)ifcv.waitKey(show_time_per_frame)==ord('q'):breakcap.release()exceptcv.errorase:print(f"Failed to save video, due to {e}")raiseeif__name__=="__main__":video_stream=rafting_video#---get input video info---cap=cv.VideoCapture(video_stream)# cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP...
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4')# 读取摄像头输入 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)(2)视频帧读取 ...
void CVideomfcDlg::callback1(IplImage *image){ IplImage* image1 = image;int i,j;assert (image);//获取当前系统时间 SYSTEMTIME st2=;GetLocalTime(&st2);char sss[18]=; //这个是用来存储所要保存的图片名的,用的是一个笨办法,先定义,再修改其中的数组值。sss[7]=st2.wHour/10...
VIDEO_DEPTH_LOGI("frame %d cost: %.4f ms.", i, (1000* (end_ - beg_) / freq));// save this frame to the output video streamoutput_stream.write(output_frame); } input_stream.release(); output_stream.release(); PAUSE();return0; ...
cvtColor(videoFrame, dstW, COLOR_RGB2BGRA);intchannel =2;//Select the channel to saveMat res; vector<Mat>spl; split(videoFrame, spl);//process - extract only the correct channelfor(inti =0; i <3; ++i)if(i !=channel) spl[i]= Mat::zeros(Size(videoFrame.cols, videoFrame.rows)...
Hello, please let me know if I should post this in a different topic, but I cannot save video at 60 fps through opencv-libsense with an intel realsense D435. It simply saves the video at twice the speed. I originally tried only using opencv's videocapture method, but now ...