5.核心代码讲解 5.1 gesture.py 封装为类的代码如下: classHandGestureRecognition:def__init__(self):self.cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)defrun(self):while(self.cap.isOpened()):ret,img=self.cap.read()cv2.rectangle(img,(300,300),(100,100),(0,255,0),0)crop_img=img[100:300,100:300]grey=cv2.c...
6.Frederic, K., Puhl, M., Krüger, A.: User-independent real-time hand gesture recognition based on surface electromyography. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, p. 36. ACM (2017)Google Scholar 7.Tobely, T.E., Yosh...
然后可以将生成的灰度图像传递到手势识别器,该手势识别器将返回估计的扩展手指数(num_fingers)和前面提到的带标注的 RGB 彩色图像(img_draw): num_fingers, img_draw = self.hand_gestures.recognize(frame) 为了简化HandGestureRecognition类的细分任务,我们将指示用户将手放在屏幕中央。 为了对此提供视觉帮助,让我...
* HandVu - a library for computer vision-based hand gesture * recognition. * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Kolsch, matz@cs.ucsb.edu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ...
if(CheckError("Create gesture generator error!")) { return false; } /*添加手势识别的种类*/ gesture_generator_.AddGesture("Wave", NULL); gesture_generator_.AddGesture("click", NULL); gesture_generator_.AddGesture("RaiseHand", NULL); ...
使用opencv提取手势数据,使用神经网络训练出想要的手势模型,最后将手势模型加载到手势识别程序完成手势命令的获取 - Cat-3000/hand_gesture_recognition
Hand gesture recognition has usage in various applications like medicine, accessibility support etc. In this paper, we would like to propose on how to develop a hand gesture recognition simulation using OpenCV and python 2.7. Histogram based approach is used to separate out the hand from the ...
gestures.HandGestureRecognition:一个类,用于实现手势识别的整个过程。 它接受单通道深度图像(从 Kinect 深度传感器获取),并返回带有估计数量的扩展手指的带标注的 RGB 彩色图像。 gui:提供 wxPython GUI 应用以访问捕获设备并显示视频提要的模块。 这与我们在上一章中使用的模块相同。 为了使它能够访问 Kinect 深度传...
camera.set(4, 720) # 手势识别的函数 def Gesture_recognition(self): while True: self.detector = HandDetector()# 调用hand模块 frame, img = self.camera.read()#捕获摄像头输入 img = self.detector.findHands(img)# 调用findhand函数 lmList, bbox = self.detector.findPosition(img)# 手势识别 lm...