CUDA vs OpenCL,两种不同的 GPU 计算工具,尽管部分功能相似,但是本质上其编程接口不同。 CUDA 是什么? CUDA 是统一计算设备架构(Compute Unified Device Architecture)的代表,这个架构是 NVIDIA 于 2007 年发布的并行编程范例。CUDA 使用类 C 语言,用于开发图形处理器软件和大量 GPU 通用应用程序,这些应用程序本质...
本节根据学术上对CUDA和OpenCL的研究,比较两者的性能,其中本文简单以[1-3]研究成功比较CUDA和OpenCL之间的性能差异,若需详细了解CUDA和OpenCL之间的性能差异可以参考[4-15]。 3.1 AES实现 Wang[1]提出一种在XTS模式的AES实现,并对OpenCL和CUDA性能进行比较。总体性能CUDA要比OpenCL好10%~20%之间。 3.2 三维可...
This is not a good test, as nVidia doesn't really do well with OpenCL, if you tested the nVidia CUDA performance to a comparable AMD cards OpenCL performance I would understand your concern.Also to the Adobe staff, does anybody know if you guys have got OpenCL performance on par or...
Implemented in OpenCL for CUDA GPU's, with performance comparison against simple C++ on host CPU. Gradient magnitude for each of the R, G & B channels is computed concurrently and independently, then combined into a single gradient intensity with linear weighting factors. Download - Windows (...
CUDAOpenCLPerformance computations depend on the machine architecture, the operating system, the problem studied and obviously on the programming implementation. Solving partial differential equations by numerical methods such as the finite element method requires the solution of large sparse linear systems....
摘要: CUDA是一种由NVIDIA推出的并行计算架构,非常适合大规模数据密集型计算.CUDA使GPU的超高计算性能在数据处理和并行计算等通用计算领域发挥优势,本文讨论了CUDA的计算架构和基于GPU的CUDA C编程语言,CUDA使GPU流处理器阵列的性能得到充分发挥.极大地提高了并行计算程序的效率....
After that, I used the same above kernel (with some minor changes) in the OpenCL version to compare the performance of CUDA and OpenCL together. But the result was to so far beyond my expectations. OpenCL was 6-7 times faster than CUDA. Is it valid? The output of Nisght is as fol...
Hi, in order to compare the performance of the 2 APIs, I had to get involved to the event system of both of them. At the Moment, my time measuring looks like this: CUDA: cudaEventRecord(cu_lasEvents[0],cu_lsStream); …
Something is wrong in my CUDA/OpenCL installation, now I am not able to run any of OpenCL SDK example executables: gch:~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/bin # ./oclBandwidthTest ./oclBandwidthTest Starting… Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 190.16, ...