device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, NULL);/*Step 5: Create program object*///Read the kernel code to the bufferkernelPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"reg"ofType:@"ocl"];
是1 cl_event filter_event = NULL; err_code = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cmd_queue_, kernel_filter_, 2, // 数据的维度: 二维数据 NULL, global_work_size, // 这里指定每一维度的数据项大小 local_work_size, // 这里指定最小并行单元的数据大小 0, NULL, &filter_event); CHK_CLERR(err_code);...
命令队列对象cl_programprogram_=NULL;// 程序对象cl_kernelkernel_filter_=NULL;// 内核函数/// 查询当前机器所有平台的信息//int32_tXClEngine::QueryPlatforms(){cl_uintplat_number=0;cl_interr_code=clGetPlatformIDs(0,NULL,&plat_number);if(err_code!=CL_SUCCESS){XLOGE(TAG_CLENG,"<XClEngine.QueryP...
当正常编译kernel时(不使用-cl-opt-disable),结果可以预测,kernel打出来的值跟主机端是一样的。 但是当我使用-cl-opt-disable编译kernel后,再运行,结果就是下面这样: 请注意红框中om_info.row_stride的值不对了,是个非常大的数,下一行,是以16进制打印出来的om_info.row_stride的值0x7866000居然是下一个指针...
kernel:是指一个用opencl c语言编写的、代表一个单一执行实例的代码单元。opencl c语言看起来跟C语言函数非常相像,都有一个参数列表“局部”变量定义和标准控制流结构。opencl术语中把这种kernel实例称为work-item(工作项)。但opencl kernel与c语方函数的区别在于其并行语义。
OpenCL C Kernel Code The code in an OpenCL C kernel represents the algorithm to be applied to a single work-item. The granularity of a work item is determined by the implementer. If we take an element wise vector add example, where we take two 1 dimensional vectors as input, add them...
Platform: Host加OpenCL框架管理下的若干设备构成Platform。通过Platform,应用程序可以与设备共享资源并在设备上执行Kernel。Platform通过cl_platform表现。 Platform初始化: // return error code cl_int oclGetPlatformID(cl_platform_id *platforms) //Pointer to the platform object ...
I use OpenCL for integrated GPU. Everything is ready, except how to protect kernel code. I know this is an old topic. I have tried to translate the
=clErr void addArrays(const int* arrayA, const int* arrayB, const int* Result, int length, const char* kernelCode, float* runTime) { cl_platform_id platform = 0; cl_device_type clDEviceType = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; // default cl_kernel kernel = 0; cl_command_queue cmd_queue = ...
The video discusses why customers could potentially use this feature to have their custom processing blocks (RTL) in OpenCL™ kernel code. The video explains the design example such as the make files, config files, and explains the compilation flow. The video also show a demo...