read.precision.mode 定义在平移过程中使用的精度值(关于精度和公差的详细内容,见下面2.5节)。 File (0) - 精度值被设置为STEP文件中uncertainty_measure_with_unit的length_measure。 User (1)-精度值是read.precision.val参数的值。 读取该参数: Standard_Integer ic = Interface_Static::IVal("read.precision....
1. 启动 Draw Harness。你可以在命令行中输入 `DRAW` 或者 `Draw[Enter]` 来启动 Draw Harness。 2. 使用 `Read` 命令读取你的模型文件。例如: ``` Read STEP "your_model.stp" ``` 3. 使用 `Export` 命令将模型导出为 STEP 文件。例如: ``` Export STEP "output_model.stp" ``` 这将把加载的...
OCC读取模型深度解析 摘要:1,StepFile_Read构造函数中for嵌套while循环导致 sout << " ... STEP File Read ... " << endl; c.Show(); #endif // Creation du StepReaderData LesTypes[rec_argNondef]阅读全文 posted @2020-03-29 16:20つContent阅读(1432)评论(2)推荐(0)编辑 该文被密码保护。 po...
anApp->NewDocument("MDTV-XCAF", aDoc); STEPCAFControl_Reader aStepReader; aStepReader.SetColorMode(true); aStepReader.SetNameMode(true); aStepReader.ReadFile(theStepName.c_str()); aStepReader.Transfer(aDoc); TDF_Label aRootLabel = aDoc->Main(); aShapeTool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::Sha...
voidReadIGESFile(CStringstrFileName);//读取igs文件 voidReadSTEPFile(CStringstrFileName); voidSetBackgroundColor(Quantity_NameOfColorcolor);//设置背景颜色 voidSetPartColor(Quantity_NameOfColorcolor);//设置零件颜色 voidSetPartMaterial(Graphic3d_NameOfMaterialmaterial);//设置零件材料 voidSetPresentMode(...
STEPCAFControl_Reader aStepReader; aStepReader.SetColorMode(true); aStepReader.SetNameMode(true); aStepReader.ReadFile(theStepName.c_str()); aStepReader.Transfer(aDoc); TDF_Label aRootLabel= aDoc->Main(); aShapeTool=XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(aRootLabel); ...
reader.ReadFile("input.iges"); reader.TransferRoots(); TopoDS_Shape shape = reader.OneShape(); //进行一些几何操作,如旋转、平移等 BRepBuilderAPI_Transform transform(shape, gp_Trsf()); shape = transform.Shape(); BRepTools::Write(shape, "output.brep"); return 0; } ``` 在这个示例中,我们...
Step Import OpenCascade can import STEP files.Set up the example directory path. In[563]:=563 ✖ Import a step file. In[564]:=564 ✖ Out[...
0033596: Documentation - Incorrect default value read.step.tessellated 9个月前 samples 0033531: Configuration - Rework DataExchange ToolKits organization 1年前 src 0032752: Visualization, TKOpenGl - extend V3d_View::ToPixMap() options… 1年前 ...
My objective is to make a program that can cut a solid, read from a STEP file, into a number of sections. The best way that come to my mind was to use Boolean operations (Cut or Common) to cut the geometry. However, for very complex CAD files this takes a very long time. Since...