3.启动服务,并查看是否打开了echo服务 sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start, 如果是root用户下直接输入/etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start 4.启动daytime服务 需要安装xinted服务,因为daytime服务包含在xinetd服务中。直接输入命令: root@linux_ever2:~# apt-get install xinetd 检查是否开启了该服务: 输入:root@...
NRPE on client systems may then be configured to run out of inetd(8) (or xinetd) to make use of tcpwrappers support and rate limiting. Alternately it may be run directly as a service using the startup script provided in the port. nrpe can be configured with a list of IP addresses fro...