type: string ``` ### 步骤2:使用openapi-typescript生成TypeScript类型和函数 在该步骤中,您需要安装openapi-typescript并使用命令行工具将OpenAPI规范的定义文件转换为TypeScript类型和函数。 ```bash npm install -g openapi-typescript openapi-typescript generate -i path/to/openapi.yml -o path/to/output-...
【Swagger TypeScript API:从OpenAPI规范生成Fetch或Axios的API客户端工具,支持OpenAPI 3.0、2.0以及JSON和YAML格式,助力开发者快速构建API接口】'acacode/swagger-typescript-api: Generate the API Client for Fetch or Axios from an OpenAPI Specification' GitHub: github.com/acacode/swagger-typescript-api #API...
Add a script line into your package.json: { ... "scripts": { "generate": "openapi-typescript-client-api-generator" } } Implement ServiceBase for request headers Implement a service base class called ServiceBase that implements the following method so you are able to pass custom headers like...
使用OpenAPI生成器生成TypeScript axios客户端: 代码语言:txt 复制 openapi-generator generate -i example.yaml -g typescript-axios -o ./generated-client 这将创建一个generated-client目录,其中包含基于上述OpenAPI规范的TypeScript axios客户端代码。 希望这些信息能够帮助你理解OpenAPI生成器及其type...
$ openapi --help Usage: openapi [options] Options: -V, --version output the version number -i, --input <value> OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url or string content (required) -o, --output <value> Output directory (required) -c, --client <value> HTTP client to generate [fet...
(required) -c, --client <value> HTTP client to generate [fetch, xhr, node, axios, angular] (default: "fetch") --name <value> Custom client class name --useOptions Use options instead of arguments --useUnionTypes Use union types instead of enums --exportCore <value> Write core files...
You can build a client against the Petstore API as follows: ./bin/generate-samples.sh ./bin/configs/java-okhttp-gson.yaml (On Windows, please install GIT Bash for Windows to run the command above) This script uses the default library, which isokhttp-gson. It will run the generator with...
First, generate a local type file by runningnpx openapi-typescript, first specifying your input schema (JSON or YAML), and where you’d like the--output(-o) to be saved: #Local schemanpx openapi-typescript ./path/to/my/schema.yaml -o ./path/to/my/schema.d.ts#🚀 ./path/to/my...
$ openapi --help Usage: openapi [options] Options: -V, --version output the version number -i, --input <value> OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url or string content (required) -o, --output <value> Output directory (required) -c, --client <value> HTTP client to generate [fet...
3.将Swagger的JSON描述文件放置到同目录下 4.执行生成命令 java -jar openapi-generator-cli-6.5.0.jar generate -i ./swagger.json -g typescript-rxjs -o ./generate 作者:奇 出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/fanqisoft/p/17383989.html 版权:本作品采用「本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但必须给出...