Token Estimation This package provides a utility function to estimate the token count for OpenAI chat completions. Installation To install the package, run the following command: npm install openai-tokens-count Usage Here's an example of how to use theestimateTokensfunction: ...
defnum_tokens_from_string(string:str,encoding_name:str)->int:"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""encoding=tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)num_tokens=len(encoding.encode(string))returnnum_tokensnum_tokens_from_string("tiktoken is great!","cl100k_base") 结果是6。 五、...
{role:"user",content:text}];,model);console.log(`openai-gpt-token-counter Token count:${tokenCount}`);constchatCompletion=awaitopenai.createChatCompletion({model:model,messages:messages,});console.log(`OpenAI API Token count:${
Defaults to16The maximum number of tokens to generateinthe completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, which support 4096).最大令牌数 整数 选修的 默认为1...
Count tokens for OpenAI accurately with support for all parameters like name, functions. - nyno-ai/openai-token-counter
prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_for_tools().") # example token count from the OpenAI API response =, messages=example_messages, tools=tools, temperature=0) print(f'{response.usage.prompt_tokens} prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.') print(...
另外,官方给出了利用tiktoken离线计算token数量。具体见How to count tokens with tiktoken。 简单总结下就是对于同一段文本,各类模型的token数量大小之比为: Chat类型 < davinci类型 总结 这篇文章简单对比了下OpenAI目前开放的语言模型类API,并对API使用中的问题做了简要总结。
I am trying to get a token count for a process, I am passing callbacks to the class initialization like this let finalTokens = 0 const initPayload = { openAIApiKey: process.env['OPEN_AI_KEY'], temperature: 1.5, callbacks: [ { handleLLMEn...
]# example token count from the function defined abovemodel ="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301"print(f"{num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model)}prompt tokens counted.")# output: 69 prompt tokens counted. 另请注意,非常长的对话更有可能收到不完整的回复。例如,一个长度为 4090 个 token 的 gpt-3.5-turbo...
# example token count from the OpenAI API import openai response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=0, ) print(f'{response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]} prompt tokens used.') 要在不进行 API 调用的情况下查看文本字符串中有多少个 token,请使用 OpenAI 的 ...