Contact OpenAI Support If you have an issue with your account, payments, billing, or the like, please contact our support team at: This site is a developer community site and not monitored for customer account or billing issues. 103 Likes My ChatGPT account was deac...
We don't use your phone number for any other purposes, and take your privacy very seriously. Can I use a premium number, landline, Google Voice, or other VoIP phone number? We donotsupport use oflandlines,VoIP,Google Voice, orpremium numbersat this time. All of those types of phone n...
OpenAI today announced support for a new phone-based ChatGPT experience, which can be accessed by calling or texting 1-800-ChatGPT (1-800-242-8478). The feature was introduced as part of OpenAI's ongoing 12 days of OpenAI event. The 1-800-ChatGPT phone number is designed for situations...
Yes. Please note that you can only save a conversation by logging in or creating an account. While logged out, we only support one conversation at a time. Please refer to ourFAQfor more information. We don't support unlinking a phone number from an existing account We do not allow you ...
Note: you can only create an API key once you verify your account with your phone number. A pop-up appears with your API key settings. I'll walk you through all of these in just a second. On the Owned by radio buttons, choose one: You is better for personal use. Check this ...
Solution 1: Generate an API key in a project or as a user key in billing; this is required to activate cel phone number verification, Solution 2: Wait, the provisioning of an account and models takes some time, Solution 3: Don’t trust the UI. You might see credits, but not be able...
How was the response of the Customer Support agent? Classify and list down their various behaviors and cite the reason behind the classification, using the format BEHAVIOR("reason")1. Polite Greeting BEHAVIOR("Agent starts the conversation with a polite greeting and as...
Name Microsoft URLévelopper la table Connector Metadata Publisher Abby Hartman Website Privacy policy Categories AI...
1=EXTRACT_OPENAI("phone number",A2) Details Assumes that A2 contains the email text. Classify job titles by seniority Goal: Classify a Job Title according to its seniority - e.g. C-Level, Junior, Senior Example: 1=CLASSIFY_OPENAI(A2,"C-Level, Senior, Mid, Junior, Intern",false) ...
import openai openai.api_key ='xx-xxxxxxxx' response = openai.Completion.create( model='code-davinci-002', prompt='# 表customers,列=[CustomerId,FirstName,LastName,Company,Address,City,State,Country,PostalCode,Phone,Fax,Email,SupportRepId]\n# 创建MySQL查询:所有住在深圳的姓张的用户\nquery = '...