We believe our research will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence, a system that can solve human-level problems. Building safe and beneficial AGI is our mission.
OpenAI或需IPO续命 智通财经APP获悉,对融资有着无休止追求的人工智能(AI)初创公司OpenAI在面对日益高昂的运营成本时有一个合乎逻辑的解决方案——在2025年进行首次公开募股(IPO)。很少有公司能像OpenAI这样从默默无闻短时间内变得家喻户晓。OpenAI在2022年底推出了生成式人工智能聊天机器人ChatGPT,并在随后一年内宣称每...
‘Stock Price’ or other private company metrics (‘PC Data’) may rely on a very limited number of trade and/or IOI inputs in their calculation. PC Data is prepared and disseminated solely for informational purposes. While Forge has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable...
【OpenAI 考虑转型为营利性公司,或加速 IPO】 OpenAI 估值达 860 亿美元,转型为营利性公司或加速 OpenAI IPO。 Sam Altman 表示董事会正考虑成立营利性福利公司,竞争对手已采用此方案。 去年微软投资 130 亿美元后,董事会曾解雇 Altman,引发员工反抗。 非营利公司受法律保护,少数股东或起诉公司不优先考虑股东回报...
OpenAI stock is not currently publicly traded, but following the recent move to restructure the company from a non-profit to a for-profit entity,Forbes reportsthat an initial public offering (IPO) may be in the works for 2025. For now, investors can gain exposure through related tech companie...
many early employees are sitting on millions of dollars worth of equity. With no IPO on the horizon and a price tag that makes the company too expensive to be acquired, the only way for shareholders to realize any value from their equity in the near term is through secondary stock sales....
OpenAI hasn’t announced an IPO date yet. Further, it appears they will remain private indefinitely. Is there an OpenAI stock chart? OpenAI has never been publicly traded, so it doesn’t have a stock price chart. Does Elon Musk invest in OpenAI?
智通财经APP获悉,有着“美版贴吧”称号的社交媒体平台Reddit周四提交了IPO申请,相关文件显示,将包括一项允许部分最活跃用户购买该公司股票的规定,这可能会让其他投资者面临更大的风险。 周四下午,这家社交媒体公司的S-1文件显示,一些Reddit版主和其他用户将有机会通过定向股票计划参与此次发行。这对企业来说是不寻常的,...
Earlier in October, OpenAI raised $6.6 billion in funding from investors, which could value the company at $157 billion and cement its position as one of the most valuable private companies in the world. (Reporting by Juby Babu in Mexico City; editing by Alan Barona) ...
Microsoft's once under-the-radar investment is now a major topic of discussion, both in venture circles and among public shareholders, who are trying to figure out what it means to the potential value of their stock. Microsoft's cumulative investment in OpenAI has reportedly swelled to$13 bill...