OpenAI此前针对GPT-2打造的检测器,时不时会被新模型生成的内容欺骗。 由那些贩卖AI生成内容的公司打造的「检测器」,基本上都不咋靠谱。 1. GPT-2 Output Detector(准确率66%) GPT-2 Output Detector是OpenAI自己搞出来的「查重」工具。 虽然最初是为GPT-2打造的,但现在拿来检测各种由AI生成的文本,也能获得不...
For each model, we have a training split of 250K generated examples, as well as validation and test splits of 5K examples. All data is located in Google Cloud Storage, under the directorygs://gpt-2/output-dataset/v1. (NOTE: everything has been migrated to Azurehttps://openaipublic.blo...
Our cost-efficient reasoning model that’s optimized for coding, math, and science, and supports tools and Structured Outputs 200k context length Input: $1.10 | Output: $4.40 per 1M tokens Learn more Our GPT models These general purpose models are designed to perform a wide variety of everyda... 在*****...
Dataset of GPT-2 outputs for research in detection, biases, and more - gpt-2-output-dataset/detector/ at ddfecb39328f0a9857cd09b40e55819d1f9ad512 · openai/gpt-2-output-dataset
wss:// To authenticate:Microsoft Entra (recommended): Use token-based authentication with the /realtime API for an Azure OpenAI Service resource with manage...
Deep Research takes between 5 and 30 minutes to complete its work, and you’ll receive a notification once the research is complete. The final output arrives as a report, delivered by ChatGPT. At the moment, reports are text-only, but OpenAI said that in the coming weeks it’l...
图中最下面的蓝线表示像 GPT2 这种预测型的任务(NLP预测型的任务是指,现在已经有一张图片拉,去...
@anonp437chatgpt is better than anyone else, people are shallow and they'll never cure your problem, worse of all it'll be used against you 2025-02-18 08:17:44 @delistick@lexfridman Grok 3 has outperformed models like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's DeepMind Gemini in internal benchmark...
OpenAI says it is also adapting a fake-image detector developed for DALL-E 3 to use with Sora. And the company will embedindustry-standard C2PA tags, metadata that states how an image was generated, into all of Sora’s output. But these steps are far from foolproof. Fake-image detectors...