或者直接访问这个地址:https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview 点击“Set up paid account...
点击「Set up paid account」,个人使用选择「Individual」。下一步,申请一张虚拟卡,注意选择支持api的卡段。然后在绑定界面对应填写卡资料,如图每次绑定会预扣 5 美元,所以卡里最低,需要先预存5美金进去。这5美刀后续是可以使用的,绑定不上卡的就找虚拟卡商在线客服协助解决~接下来就是创建api key,在首页USER-...
打开platform.openai.com,输入你的OpenAI帐号和密码(也就是你的ChatGPT帐号),如果没有就注册一个,注册教程:2023年ChatGPT、OpenAI注册付费购买教程 登录以后,点屏幕右上角的图标,打开下拉菜单,如图: 点击菜单中的“View API Keys”就可以看到已经创建的API Keys以及添加API Key的按钮,你也可以直接打开这个链接创建AP...
登录OpenAI平台:在浏览器地址栏输入platform.openai.com,输入你的OpenAI帐号和密码,进行登录。绑定付款方式:登录后,点击左边栏的“Settings”-“billing”,进入充值入口,点击“Add payment details”或直接访问platform.openai.com/acc...。选择“Set up paid account”,选择个人使用或公司使用,输入卡...
在当前的讨论中,关于OpenAI API Key的获取方法并没有那么复杂,也不需要花费高昂的费用。实际上,用户可以通过OpenAI官网自行创建和申请。以下是详细的步骤:首先,登录你的OpenAI账号,从左边菜单进入“Settings”>“Billing”部分,找到绑卡入口。点击“Add payment details”,然后选择“Set up paid ...
OpenAI's API use is paid for separately from a ChatGPT Plus subscription (for some reason I had assumed that paying for ChatGPT+ would have paid for my API use), so you'll need a credit balance for your OpenAI account in order for your API key to work. You can go tohttps://platf...
如何获取 API Key 打开这个链接:https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview 点击Set up paid account按钮,然后在新弹出的窗口中,点击I'm an individual,然后会弹出一个输入信用卡的界面。 输入你的信用卡信息,然后点击Set up payment method。如果你没有在这里可以使用的信用卡,可以进群联系群主。
I tried this and it did not work for me. I checked the system environment but the OPENAI_API_KEY was not there. I still tried using the command "unset OPENAI_API_KEY" any ways no luck. I got a new api key and its the paid one too and still. There is no connection to my api...
If you are using the paid version of the OpenAI API, make sure that your billing information is up to date. If your billing information is not up to date, your API key may not work. 6. Check the OpenAI API status page Sometimes, the OpenAI API may experience downtime or maintenance....
Visithttps://platform.openai.com/account/api-keysand click “Create new secret key”. Make sure and save this newly generated key somewhere safe, since you won’t be able to see the full key again once you close the modal. Reminder: your API key is a secret, so don’t share it with...