但这还不,我们需要知道每次买入或卖出的股票数量。使用gym的Box space,我们可以创建一个动作空间,其中包含离散数量的动作类型(买进、卖出和持有),以及连续的买进/卖出金额(分别为:账户余额/头寸大小的0-100%)。 你将注意到这个金额对于hold操作是不必要的,但是无论如何都会提供。我们的agent最初并不知道这一点,...
目前,在 GitHub 上已经出现了基于 OpenAI Gym 的股票市场交易环境,该项目使用 Keras,支持 Theano 与 TensorFlow,可以帮助开发者导入各类股票市场的交易数据,构建自己的长线交易模型。希望它能为你的研究提供帮助。 项目地址:https://github.com/kh-kim/stock_market_reinforcement_learning 本项目使用 OpenAI Gym 为...
reinforcement-learningtradingopenai-gymq-learningforexdqntrading-algorithmsstocksgym-environmentstrading-environments UpdatedMar 14, 2024 Python AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Trading Star2.2k For trading. Please star. deep-reinforcement-learningopenai-gymsharpe-ratioddpgstock-tradingppoa2c-algorithmensemble-strategy...
因此,我们决定绘制一个简单的比特币价格数据 K 线图,其中包含数量栏和我们资产总价值的单独图表。 在代码中,我们需要定义一个用来可视化的资产交易图( StockTradingGraph )函数,在函数的初始化过程中,我们需要调用 python 可视化程序库 matplotlib.pyplot ,并指出每一个需要可视化的数据。 为了更好地展现数据,在可视化...
We believe our research will eventually lead to artificial general intelligence, a system that can solve human-level problems. Building safe and beneficial AGI is our mission.
A custom OpenAI gym environment for simulating stock trades on historical price data. - notadamking/Stock-Trading-Environment
【参考译文】2016年4月,OpenAI发布了其强化学习研究平台“OpenAI Gym”的公测版。2016年8月,Nvidia向OpenAI赠送了其首台DGX-1超级计算机,以帮助其训练更大和更复杂的AI模型,能够将处理时间从六天缩短至两个小时。2016年12月,OpenAI发布了“Universe”,这是一个软件平台,用于通过世界范围内的游戏、网站和其他应用...
We have discussed a lot about Reinforcement Learning and games. But Reinforcement learning is not just limited to games. It is used for managing stock portfolios and finances, for making humanoid robots, for manufacturing and inventory management, to develop general AI agents, which are agents that...
Who Owns OpenAI Stock? Microsoft (49%), other stakeholders (49%), and the original OpenAI non-profit foundation (which adamantly maintains its autonomy as the leading firm continues to write OpenAI history) now share ownership of the company. The Microsoft-OpenAI Deal Microsoft and OpenAI have ...
OpenAI Gym also offers intuitive environment models for 3D and 2D simulations, where you can implement desired behaviors into robots.Roboschoolis an example of scaled robot simulation software built using OpenAI Gym. 4. Marketing You can also build marketing solutions like ad servers, stock trading ...