delete -i <FINE_TUNED_MODEL> cURL: curl -X "DELETE"<FINE_TUNED_MODEL> \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" Python: import openai openai.Model.delete(FINE_TUNED_MODEL) 准备数据集 微调是一种强大的技术,可以创建特定于你的用例的新模型。在微调模型...<FINE_TUNED_MODEL> \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" Python: import openai openai.Model.delete(FINE_TUNED_MODEL) 准备数据集 微调是一种强大的技术,可以创建特定于你的用例的新模型。在微调模型之前,我们强烈建议你阅读以下最佳实践和特定用例的指南。 数据格式化 你需要...
# Delete a fine-tuned model (must be an owner of the org the model was created in)import openaiopenai.Model.delete("ft-abc123") 三、使用微调模型 当成功完成微调任务并查看任务的详细信息,会注意到“fine_tuned_model”字段已经填入了新模型的名字。这意味着现在可以立刻将这个新模型用在聊天自动补全(...
# Cancel a jobopenai.FineTuningJob.cancel("ft-abc123") # List up to 10 events from a fine-tuning jobopenai.FineTuningJob.list_events(id="ft-abc123", limit=10) # Delete a fine-tuned model (must be an owner of the org the model was created in)import openaiopenai.Model.delete("ft-...
# Delete a fine-tuned model (must be an owner of the org the model was created in)import openaiopenai.Model.delete("ft-abc123") 使用微调模型 任务成功后,在检索工作详细信息时,你将看到fine_tuned_model字段填充了模型的名称。 你现在可以将...
openai.Model.delete("ft-abc123") 三、使用微调模型 当成功完成微调任务并查看任务的详细信息,会注意到“fine_tuned_model”字段已经填入了新模型的名字。这意味着现在可以立刻将这个新模型用在聊天自动补全(适用于gpt-3.5-turbo)或在旧版补全API(适用于babbage-002和davinci-002)上。当然,也可以在OpenAI的Playgro...
tuneopenai.FineTuningJob.retrieve("ft-abc123")# Cancel a jobopenai.FineTuningJob.cancel("ft-abc123")# List up to 10 events from a fine-tuning jobopenai.FineTuningJob.list_events(id="ft-abc123",limit=10)# Delete a fine-tuned model (must be an owner of the org the model was ...
微調作業成功時,響應主體中的變數值 fine_tuned_model 會設定為自定義模型的名稱。 您的模型現在也可供從 模型API 清單進行探索。 不過,在部署自定義模型之前,您無法對自定義模型發出完成呼叫。 您必須部署自定義模型,使其可用於完成呼叫。 重要 部署自定義模型之後,如果部署隨時保持非使用中狀態超過15天...
Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization to delete a model.let result = client .models() .delete("my-custom-model") .await?;More information: Delete fine-tune modelChatGiven a list of messages comprising a conversation, the model will return a response...
OpenAI offers fine tuning feature, which you can make use of it with this package here. However, if it happen that you want to delete a fine tuned model, you can use the delete() method: bool isDeleted = await OpenAI.instance.model.delete("fine-tune-id"); print(isDeleted); // .....