ChatGPT API openAi API平台接口文档 - Midjourney中文网ChatGPT Overview Openai API概述 The OpenAI API can be applied to virtually any task that involves understanding or generating natural language or code. We offer a spectrum of models with different ...
Using the OpenAI Chat API, you can build your own applications withgpt-3.5-turboandgpt-4to do things like: 使用OpenAI Chat API,您可以使用gpt-3.5-turbo和gpt-4构建自己的应用程序,以执行以下操作: Draft an email or other piece of writing 起草一封电子邮件或其他书面材料 Write Python code 编写Pyth...
在互联网时代,把网站的服务封装成一系列计算机易识别的数据接口开放出去,供第三方开发者使用,这种行为就叫做开放网站的API,与之对应的,所开放的API就被称作OpenAPI。 OpenAPI规范 什么是OpenAPI规范? OpenAPI规范(以前称为Swagger规范)是定义RESTful接口的世界标准。OAS使开发人员能够设计与技术无关的API接口,从而构成其A...
国内可用 chatGpt openai 官方API对接,冰橙GPT API文档 国内可用接口,同款数据返回,支持SSE流式和非流式,支持ChatGPT3.5、ChatGPT4、文本转向量接口
To get an API key for Chat GPT, follow the steps below. Step 1.Go to, and click the "Sign up" button to create an OpenAI account. You can create an account by entering your email address and password or sign up using your Google or Microsoft accoun...
Download ChatGPT Use ChatGPT your way. Talk to type or have a conversation. Take pictures and ask about them.
ChatGPT Explore ChatGPT Teams Enterprise Education Pricing Download Sora Sora Overview Features Pricing Help Center(opens in a new window) Sora login(opens in a new window) API Platform Pricing API login(opens in a new window) Documentation(opens in a new window) ...
api api-documentation openai-api llm chatgpt gpt-4-api claude-api openai-functions Updated Feb 6, 2025 Python wasp-lang / open-saas Sponsor Star 9.3k Code Issues Pull requests A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Full-featured. Community-driven...
基于OpenAI API 实现的 ChatGPT Web 应用,一共分为两个版本: 通用版:交互体验跟 ChatGPT 官方一致,聊天记录保存在客户端(浏览器) 角色版:内置了各种预训练好的角色,比如小红书写手,英语翻译大师,苏格拉底,孔子,乔布斯,周报助手等。轻松满足你的各种聊天和应用需求。聊天记录保存在云端(可以配置是否保存聊天记录)每个...
Environment variables refer to the documentation below. Docker Hub address. Direct run docker run --name=chatgpt-demo -e OPENAI_API_KEY=YOUR_OPEN_API_KEY -p 3000:3000 -d ddiu8081/chatgpt-demo:latest -e define environment variables in the container. Docker compose version: '3' services: ...