若要使用开发代理模拟 OpenAI API 响应,需要在文件中启用OpenAIMockResponsePlugindevproxyrc.json该响应。JSON 复制 { "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/dev-proxy/main/schemas/v0.19.0/rc.schema.json", "plugins": [ { "name": "OpenAIMockResponsePlugin", "enabled": true, ...
pip install 'litellm[proxy]' Step 1: Start litellm proxy $ litellm --model huggingface/bigcode/starcoder #INFO: Proxy running on Step 2: Make ChatCompletions Request to Proxy import openai # openai v1.0.0+ client = openai.OpenAI(api_key="anything",base_url="http...
你可以通过腾讯云云函数提供的测试工具进行测试,也可以本地通过 curl/postman 进行测试,使用的时候只需要将api.openai.com替换成代理域名open.aiproxy.xyz即可: 你可以选择自己搭建,也可以直接使用我提供的代理域名open.aiproxy.xyz,反正是免费的。关于代理背后的原理,可以看我在极客书房发布的这篇教程:国内无法调用 ...
gptproxy use gitlab api key to proxy openai api. This is a fibjs server code that serves as a development assistant. It listens on SSL port 443 and can answer questions related to fibjs development based on the information stored in its database. ...
If you would like to disable or customize this behavior, for example to use the API behind a proxy, you can pass anhttpAgentwhich is used for all requests (be they http or https), for example: importhttpfrom'http';import{HttpsProxyAgent}from'https-proxy-agent';// Configure the default...
當您在應用程式中使用 OpenAI API 時,您應該測試應用程式如何處理 API 錯誤。 Dev Proxy 可讓您使用GenericRandomErrorPlugin來模擬任何 OpenAI API 上的錯誤。 提示 在命令提示字元devproxy preset get openai-throttling中執行 ,以下載此預設。 在[開發人員 Proxy 安裝] 資料夾中,找出presets資料夾。 在presets資...
importOpenAIfrom'openai';constclient=newOpenAI({apiKey:process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'],// This is the default and can be omitted});asyncfunctionmain(){constparams:OpenAI.Chat.ChatCompletionCreateParams={messages:[{role:'user',content:'Say this is a test'}],model:'gpt-4o',};constchatComple...
API log in(opens in a new window) Documentation(opens in a new window) Developer Forum(opens in a new window) For Business Overview Company About us Our Charter Careers Brand More News Stories Help Center(opens in a new window) Terms & Policies Terms of Use Privacy Policy Security Other ...
Kubernetes API Servers and etcd are critical components to a healthy working cluster, so we pay special attention to the stress on these systems. We use the Grafana dashboards provided by kube-prometheus(opens in a new window), as well as additional in-house dashboards. We’ve found ...
Build an enterprise-ready Azure OpenAI solution with Azure API Management With the rise of Artificial intelligence (AI), many industries and users are looking into ways to leverage this technology for their own development purposes and use cases. The field is exp...