针对你遇到的 openai.error.ratelimiterror: you exceeded your current quota, please check y 错误,这是OpenAI API的配额限制导致的。以下是根据你的提示,对这个问题进行的详细分析和解答: 确认OpenAI的API调用配额限制: OpenAI对每个API密钥都设置了调用配额,这包括每月的API调用次数、每分钟的最大调用次数等。当...
一个新注册的chatgpt/openAI账户会有一定量的免费测试额度(极少),供用户调用openAI的API以用来测试。因此通常在用一段时间后,免费额度用完,再次调用API时就会出现如下报错:you exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details。意思是免费的额度用完了,再用就需要花钱了。 解决方法 此时有...
When I am trying to use the api key on a website that uses gpt-3-5-turbo it says: “insufficient_quota - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.” while I am nowhere near the limit and …
I paid for 10 USD credit balance but I can’t use gpt-3.5-turbo api import requests import csv from itertools import islice import json url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" OPENAI_API_KEY ='my-private-api-key' headers = { "Content-Type"...
创建OpenAI 的 API Key 创建OpenAI 的 API Key为了学习这门课程,你需要先去注册一个可以使用 OpenAI 的 API 的账号,这是账号注册的入口:入口。 目前,OpenAI 还没有向中国大陆和香港地区开放,所以账号的注册需要你自己想想办法了。 注册完成之后 账号注册完成之后,你点击右上角的账号,然后点击 “View API Keys”...
I have a pay as you go account and bought credits 2 days ago. I created a new API key right after and it has been 48 hours since then, but I keep getting the following error when I make an API request: {"error": {"message":"You exceeded your current quota, please check your pl...
1.阅读API文档 官方文档:https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart 查看token额度:https://platform.openai.com/settings/organization/billing/overview 2.尝试代码调用 import openai openai.api_key = "OPENAI_API_KEY" completion = openai.chat.completions.create( ...
# 设置 OpenAI API 密钥 openai.api_key = "sk-w6FiFg0JiBmn5eQCzD9XRy0Sqi9vfoZLxdyPdX3XaRT3BlbkFJLNOrDZtmNxFowW1ZrifnotzGmHxz3AR-_CabNFlmQA" # 配置代理 proxies = { "http": "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx", "https": "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx" ...
401 - Incorrect API key provided 此错误消息表示您在请求中使用的 API 密钥不正确。发生这种情况的原因可能有多种,例如: 您的API 密钥中有拼写错误或多余的空格。 您正在使用属于不同组织的 API 密钥。 您正在使用已被删除或停用的 API 密钥。 旧的、已撤销的 API 密钥可能会缓存在本地。
API daniel.lanes.1969 June 5, 2023, 4:17pm 1 Hello all, I´m getting the following message: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details, when connecting ADALO to Open API. Why I´m asking here? My account is PAID API Key was created...