" "Data Preprocessing: The first step in training a machine" " learning algorithm is to preprocess the data. This involves" " cleaning the data, handling missing values, " "encoding categorical variables, and scaling the data. " "The aim of preprocessing is to ensure that the data is in"...
I do have an API key. You can put you api key by going to the ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-QualityOfLifeSuit_Omar92 and open config.json with notepad or any other editor. There you will find "openAI_API_Key": Paste it in the place of example api key. 👍 3 harold1110 commented...
该错误表明 GraphRag 需要一个 API 密钥来完成其操作,但当前环境中未设置相应的密钥。以下是解决步骤: 1. 理解错误信息 错误信息 "graphrag.config.errors.apikeymissingerror: api key is required for completion api. please set either the openai_api_key, graphrag_api_key or graphrag_llm_api_key ...
APIConnectionError表示连接到 OpenAI 服务时出现问题。这可能是由于网络问题、代理配置、SSL 证书或防火墙...
api接口申请 💡 Tips:最近openai的api已经被墙了,所以需要科学上网。·注册openai账号。·生成api key,初始赠送18美金使用额度,额度用完之后需要自行购买,具体的价格和模型相关。api接入 💡 Tips:准备好申请的key和梯子后,就可以开始我们的openai之旅了。以下示例以python执行。安装openai模块 pip install ...
Assistants API 允许在自己的应用程序中构建 AI 助手。助手可以利用模型、工具和知识来响应用户查询。 助手API 目前支持三种类型的工具:代码解释器、检索和函数调用。 调用Assistants API 需要传递 beta 版 HTTP 标头。如果使用的是 OpenAI 的官方 Python 和 Node.js SDK,则会自动处理此问题。 OpenAI-Beta: assistants...
Is an OpenAI API Key Free? You can create an OpenAI API key for free. New free trial users receive $5 (USD) worth of credit. However, this expires after three months. Once your credit has been used up or expires, you can enter billing information to continue using the API of your ...
openai.api_key = "sk-XXXXXX" import openai import os response = openai.Completion.create( model="text-davinci-003", prompt="how do you say hello in italian" ) Foxalabs June 30, 2023, 12:06pm 4 ok, give this a try, I think you were missing a print statement openai.api_key =...
thrownewArgumentException("Missing AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY");stringopenAIEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT") ??thrownewArgumentException("Missing AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT");// Enter the deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.stringengine = Environment.Get...
聊天API 能够接收和处理 base64 编码格式或图像网址的多个图像输入。该模型将处理每张图像,并使用来自所有图像的信息来回答问题。 代码语言:javascript 复制 client=OpenAI(api_key=api_key)defrecognize_multiple_images():response=client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-4-vision-preview",messages=[{"role":"...