error_data = resp["error"] KeyError: 'error' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\llm\NLP\", line 54, in test_embedding() File "D:\llm\NLP\", line 25, i...
Getting error as below: USING API_BASE: INFO:openai:error_code=404 error_message='Resource not found' error_param=None error_type=None message='OpenAI API error received' stream_error=False INFO:openai:error_code=404 error_message='Resource ...
openai.error.APIConnectionError: Error communicating with OpenAI: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/completions (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000002AFD915E250>: Failed to establish a new con...
API error received' stream_error=False2023-10-20 00:46:13 - ERROR - Error when creating embedding: Internal server error { "error": { "message": "Internal server error", "type": "auth_subrequest_error", "param": null, "code": "internal_error" }}500 {'error': {'message': 'Inter...
最新关于openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error.的解决方法 windows本地调用方式: 1. 生成key 2. 配置key (1)生成.env文件:(a)首先新建一个空的.txt文档,可随意命名,如temp.txt;(b)在当前路径下打开终端(可用cmd打开再cd到当前路径,或直接在路径下打...
I just modified theopenai_wrapperto catchopenai.error.APIConnectionError. If this doesn't work, the issue is likely still related to the proxy, as I mentioned inthis isse. We are working diligently to enable users to use open source models rather than the OpenAI API. Stay tuned!
在Python38\\site-packages\\openai\\api_requestor.py进行修改 修改前 修改后 加上以下代码:proxy = ...
[root]# curl \>-H'Content-Type:application/json' \>-H'Authorization:Bearer OPENAI_API_KEY' \>-d'{"model":"gpt-3.5-turbo","messages":[{"role":"user","content":"Hello!"}]}'{"error":{"message":"Invalid URL (POST /v1/chat/completions...
最新关于openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error.的解决方法
Hi, I am new to openai and trying to run the example code to run a bot. import os import openai openai.api_key = os.getenv(“APIKEY”) response = openai.Completion.create( engine=“text-davinci-001”, prompt=“Marv is …