ChatCompletion API的使用 在这里我将介绍使用gpt-4-0613模型进行开发的方法,该模型已经足够强大,并且刚刚更新了16k上下文的API以及函数调用,chatkore也已经支持了最新的API,可以完成我们的AI语音聊天机器人演示。函数调用功能我们将在下一期中进行介绍。 现在让我们看一下OpenAI提供的最简单的演示,以了解ChatCompletion AP...
ChatGPT 小插曲 Alignment 侧的同事们这一年也做得不错,给预训练+SFT+RLHF这条路走通后。在 API 建设中发现,用户喜欢直接给模型指令,因此就直接复用流程做了个 InstructGPT. 我试用了一下挺有意思的,就是还主要是单轮,不能和模型讨论,用起来不方便。出于这个考虑,Alignment 团队开始搜集标注多轮相关的数...
Continuous gpt3 api 500 error: The server had an error while processing your request. Sorry about that! API 60 26443 December 2, 2023 AttributeError: module 'openai' has no attribute 'ChatCompletion' API 77 115711 December 1, 2023 Configuring timeout for ChatCompletion Python API ...
docker run--name one-api-d--restart always-p3000:3000-eSQL_DSN="root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/oneapi"-eTZ=Asia/Shanghai-v/home/ubuntu/data/one-api:/data justsong/one-api 直接用第1行命令就行了,后面那行命令需要本机链接Mysql,第1行是轻量级的数据库,可以直接配置。要安装Docker的话,公众号...
API theemilydyson March 2, 2023, 12:58pm 1 Hello. I cant access gpt-3.5-turbo with python because I seem to be getting the error " AttributeError: module ‘openai’ has no attribute ‘ChatCompletion’" I have updated to openai v0.27.0, as well as tried using new API keys just ...
4. Education and Adaptation: The changing job market will require a strong emphasis on continuous learning and adaptation. Educational systems and workforce training programs will need to evolve to prepare people for the new reality of working alongside AI. ...
Developers can now integrate ChatGPT and Whisper models into their apps and products through our API.
Enterprise chat applications can empower employees through conversational interaction. This is especially true due to the continuous advancement of language models, such as OpenAI's GPT models and Meta's LLaMA models. These chat applications consist of a chat user interface (UI), data repositories ...
Enterprise chat applications can empower employees through conversational interaction. This is especially true due to the continuous advancement of language models, such as OpenAI's GPT models and Meta's LLaMA models. These chat applications consist of a chat user interface (UI), data repositories th...
IvyLee:OpenAI ChatGPT API 文档之 Fine-tuning(微调) 了解如何为你的应用程序定制模型。 介绍 通过以下方式,微调可让你更好地利用 API 提供的模型: 比设计提示(prompt)质量更高的结果 能够训练更多不适合提示的示例 由于提示较短而节省 token 更低的延迟请求 GPT-3 已经在开放互联网的大量文本上进行了预训练。