Thedeclare create(coef,x)will statically allocate a copy of the structcoefand the pointerxon the device. Ininitcoefroutine, the coefficients are assigned on the host, and theupdatedirective copies those values to the device. Theallocxroutine allocates space for thexvector on the host, then us...
Region An implicit data region is created at the start of each procedure and ends after the last executable statement.Declare Directive A declare directive is used to specify that data is to be al- located in device memory for the duration of the implicit data region of the subprogram.C ...
Thus, this patch does: * (v1) Fix omp_is_initial_device → do only replace when used in calls(and not when used as function pointer/actual to a dummy function) +fix ICE due to integer(4) != logical(4) in the middle end. * (new) For OpenACC, use a builtin for acc_on_devic...
GCC doesn't allow pointer array subsections as a variable in a "var-list". So when it sees the array bounds, it doesn't accept it as a proper argument to the firstprivate/private clauses. The definition for a var is found on line 3418 on page 126 in the 2.7 specifications. The var...
. . void modx( int s, int e ){ #pragma acc parallel loop for( int i = s; i < e; ++i ) modxi(i); } The declare create(coef,x) will statically allocate a copy of the struct coef and the pointer x on the device. In initcoef routine, the coefficients are assigned on the ...
Thus, this patch does: * (v1) Fix omp_is_initial_device → do only replace when used in calls(and not when used as function pointer/actual to a dummy function) +fix ICE due to integer(4) != logical(4) in the middle end.
The declare create(coef,x) will statically allocate a copy of the struct coef and the pointer x on the device. In initcoef routine, the coefficients are assigned on the host, and the update directive copies those values to the device. The allocx routine allocates space for the x vector ...
The declare create(coef,x) will statically allocate a copy of the struct coef and the pointer x on the device. In initcoef routine, the coefficients are assigned on the host, and the update directive copies those values to the device. The allocx routine allocates space for the x vector ...
The declare create(coef,x) will statically allocate a copy of the struct coef and the pointer x on the device. In initcoef routine, the coefficients are assigned on the host, and the update directive copies those values to the device. The allocx routine allocates space for the x vector ...
The declare create(coef,x) will statically allocate a copy of the struct coef and the pointer x on the device. In initcoef routine, the coefficients are assigned on the host, and the update directive copies those values to the device. The allocx routine allocates space for the x vector ...