本文介绍了 Open-Fusion,这是一种使用 RGB-D 数据进行实时开放词汇 3D 映射和可查询场景表示的突破性方法。Open-Fusion 利用预训练视觉语言基础模型 (VLFM) 的强大功能进行开放集语义理解,并采用截断符号距离函数 (TSDF) 进行快速 3D 场景重建。通过利用 VLFM,我们提取基于区域的嵌入及其相关的置信图。然后使用增强...
该演示将目录中的 50 个注册深度图融合data/sample/depth-fusion-demo/rgbd-frames到 TSDF 体素体积中,并创建表面点云tsdf.ply cd 3dmatch-toolbox/depth-fusion ./compile.sh ./demo # output saved to tsdf.ply 评估代码 查看文件夹3dmatch-toolbox/evaluation 关键点匹配基准和几何配准基准的评估代码,以及我...
(self, args, device, gt_pcl=None) -> None: self.device = device self.render_path = False self.record_path = True self.shutdown = False self.tsdf_fusion = None self.gt_pcl_on = False self.gt_pcl = gt_pcl self.output = None self.est_pcl_on = False self.colormap = mpl.color...
For achieving sub-voxel precision, several works [12,42,60] have proposed to predict truncated signed distance fields (TSDF) [11] where each point in a 3D grid stores the truncated signed distance to the closest 3D surface point. However, this representation is ...
Several works focus on finding efficient ge- ometric representations [52] such as occupancy grids and TSDF cubes. They are commonly used for 3D recon- struction [41, 18] but suffer from large-scale memory in- efficiency and require a space discretization which loses fine-grained de...