继续使用安装Open3D安装成功 关系图 智能地管理不同Python和Open3D之间的关系,可以通过关系图来表示它们的关联性: USERstringnameintageOPEN3Dstringversionstringcompatible_pythonPYTHONstringversion使用兼容 结论 通过国产Python版本的检查和正确选择Open3D的版本,用户可以确保顺利开展自己的3D数据处理工作。可以通过简单的Pyth...
hey guys found the solution pip install opencv-contrib-python== try like this we have to specifically say the version try lesser version mine was 4.x so I did and no error popped up shareimprove this answerfollow answered Feb 4 at 5:46 ARUN AK 通过此方法,试成功了,在此写出,望...
notfromforhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/62352767/cant-install-open3d-libraries-errorcould-not-find-a-version-that-satisfies-th 所以我重新装指定版本 conda create -n study python=3.10 出现 (base) C:\Users\ysy>conda create -n study python=3.10 WARNING: A directory already exists at the ta...
Compiler version (if built from source): NA Additional context This is the error that I get from MacOS `Process: python3.8 [3820] Path: /Users/USER/*/python Identifier: python3.8 Version: 0 Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: python3.8 [3649] Responsible: python [3457] User ID:...
Python version: Python 3.6 Open3D version: Is this remote workstation?: no How did you install Open3D?: pip Hi@wzm2256you are using an old version of Open3D. Please try with the latest development Python wheel from here: ...
2. 点云配准(二)— python open3d ICP方法 4. Open3d点云法向量计算 上述讲到的ICP中,有一个PointToPlane的方法是计算P(t)中点到目标点云T的点所在平面的距离,就需要用到目标点云的法向量。那么法向量是针对平面而言的,即垂直于平面的向量。因此,对于点云来说,需要先拟合出一个平面,然后才能求出相应的法...
Python3.10.4 and I have also triedpython -m pip install open3d, which gives ERROR: Couldnotfind a version that satisfies the requirement open3d (fromversions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution foundforopen3d When I run justpython, the first line in the console is ...
python3 -c''' import open3d print(open3d.__version__) ''' 代码示例 # -*- coding: utf-8-*- import os import argparse import cv2 import open3d as o3d import numpy as np import rosbag import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as point_cloud2 ...
增加-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$PYTHONEXE指定 4. 注意make -j 采用多线程编写代码时可能出现bug,可以尝试去掉-j 直接单线程跑 更新GLIBC解决方案: curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.18.tar.gz tar zxf glibc-2.18.tar.gz cd glibc-2.18/ ...
2 Error:Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement open3d 问题应该是Python版本太新 准备工作 1. 下载安装Anaconda:这个我之前跟着b站视频安装好了 2.下载安装Visual Studio:我装的2022,这是免费的community版本。因为需要30g左右的c盘空间。我还改了电脑设置。缓存文件与安装文件不能放一起!这里还...