However, would I take an irregularly spaced point cloud, and create a grayscale depth map from it, while using the camera intrinsic? I tried the code in issue #1073, but I get a heat map, not a grayscale, plus I appear to lose some corners, depending on the imported point cloud, s...
Alternatively, if you need an image with a certain resolution, camera parameters, or distortion coefficients, you can use another method: First, create an (empty or white) array of the corresponding size. Then, project your whole point cloud into uv/image coordinates by using OpenCVs cv.proje...
如果说OpenCV是2D信息获取与处理的结晶,那么PCL就在3D信息获取与处理上具有同等地位,PCL是BSD授权方式,可以免费进行商业和学术应用。 Point Cloud Library | The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing. Gi...
return CreatePointCloudFromRGBDImageT<float, 1>( image, intrinsic, extrinsic, project_valid_depth_only); } } utility::LogError( "[CreatePointCloudFromRGBDImage] Unsupported image format."); return std::make_shared<PointCloud>(); } 否则,会出现像我遇到的错误。 但是,在 的版本中,源代码是:0....
This project is an Open Source industrial 3D camera. The goal at current stage is to create a low cost 3D camera with capability of current generation industrial cameras. It is also a computer with GPU computing capability, which makes running 3D point cloud recognition algorithms and robotic ar...
// 3. un-project points to real worldXnPoint3D* p3DPointSet =newXnPoint3D[ uPointNum ];rDepthGen.ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld( uPointNum, pDepthPointSet, p3DPointSet );delete[] pDepthPointSet; // 4. build point cloudfor( i = 0; i < uPointNum; ++ i ) ...
PCL1.12.1下载:安装过程直接进行下一步,进行即可。不建议安装到program files,也不要安装在含有中文路径下,这样后期使用QT的时候会比较舒适。安装完值后查看3rdParty\OpenNI2,看一下这个有没有安装上,没安装上直接运行.exe就可以了,建议安装到3rdParty\OpenNI2...
Term: cab project file data DefinitionThe Cab project file data refers to the structured information stored in a file format that is specific to the Cab project. A Cab project file typically contains data related to the configuration, settings, inputs, and outputs of a particular project. It ...
This project is an Open Source industrial 3D camera. The goal at current stage is to create a low cost 3D camera with capability of current generation industrial cameras. It is also a computer with GPU computing capability, which makes running 3D point cloud recognition algorithms and robotic ar...
This project is an Open Source industrial 3D camera. The goal at current stage is to create a low cost 3D camera with capability of current generation industrial cameras. It is also a computer with GPU computing capability, which makes running 3D point cloud recognition algorithms and robotic ar...