新手学习pyqt,想在pyqt中内嵌open3d窗口显示模型 ,但是有的时候模型显示一下就消失了 其中 有多个按钮修改glassdir 并在每次按下按钮都会跑一次这个函数显示模型 每次闪一下的时候就会报错[Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized 求助求助求助雨落...
/root/miniconda3/envs/gs-view/lib/python3.10/site-packages/glfw/__init__.py:914: GLFWError: (65537) b'The GLFW library is not initialized' warnings.warn(message, GLFWError) python: /builds/florianrhiem/pyGLFW/glfw-3.3.9/src/input.c:861: glfwSetKeyCallback: Assertion `window != ((voi...
() vis.add_geometry(PC) ctr = vis.get_view_control() # Everything good vis.run() vis.close() vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer() vis.create_window() vis.add_geometry(PC) ctr = vis.get_view_control() # ERROR: [Open3D ERROR] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized vis...
: The GLFW library is not initialized [Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized [Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized [Open3D DEBUG] [Visualizer] Screen capture to 2.png [Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized...
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd]) then Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeError: [Open3D ERROR] GLFW Error: Cocoa: Failed to find service port for display ...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:/Users/RoosDan/Documents/Python/CreateViewNewNew copy.py", line 32, in <module> vis.update_geometry(pcd) RuntimeError: [Open3D ERROR] GLFW Error: The GLFW library is not initialized The Problem is vis.update_geometry(pcd). In some other Issus...