因此,需要一个更加动态、更具挑战性的视频数据集来充分探索视觉语言模型在开放词汇学习中的潜力。 2) 3D open vocabulary场景理解 与图像和视频相比,点云数据的标注成本更高,特别是对于密集的预测任务。因此,3D open vocabulary场景理解的研究需求更加迫切。当前的 3D open vocabulary场景理解解决方案侧重于设计投影功能...
本文就最近调研的open-vocabulary object detection领域的论文进行梳理,总结该领域工作发展的来龙去脉;此外,还会探讨现阶段多模态模型如何促进2D视觉和3D视觉内容的学习;最后将对迁移多模态模型促进3D任务的学习进行思考和头脑风暴。 本文将会涉及到的内容: 2D open-vocabulary object detection的发展和研究现状 多模态模型...
In this work, we tackle the limitations of current LiDAR-based 3D object detection systems, which are hindered by a restricted class vocabulary and the high costs associated with annotating new object classes. Our exploration of open-vocabulary (OV) learning in urban environments aims to capture ...
the first paper which proposes the task of "open-vocabulary object detection" 2 introduction OD:each category needs thousands of bounding boxes; stage 1: use {image, caption} pairs to learn a visual semantic space; stage 2: use annotated boxes for several classes to train object detection; ...
Official repository for Find n' Propagate: Open-Vocabulary 3D Object Detection in Urban Environments - GitHub - djamahl99/findnpropagate: Official repository for Find n' Propagate: Open-Vocabulary 3D Object Detection in Urban Environments
Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Object Detection:使用Ultralytics框架进行YOLO-World目标检测 前言 相关介绍 前提条件 实验环境 安装环境 项目地址 Linux Windows 使用Ultralytics框架进行YOLO-World目标检测 进行训练 进行预测 进行验证 扩展 目标跟踪 设置提示 参考文献 ...
Official code for NeurIPS2023 paper: CoDA: Collaborative Novel Box Discovery and Cross-modal Alignment for Open-vocabulary 3D Object Detection - yangcaoai/CoDA_NeurIPS2023
object detection and recognition. The proposed OV-DAR framework, in contrast to previous object detection and recognition frameworks, offers superior advantages and performance in terms of generalization, universality, and granularity expression. Specifically, OV-DAR disentangles the open-vocabulary object ...
Open-vocabulary object detection (OVD) aims to scale up vocabulary size to detect objects of novel categories beyond the training vocabulary.2 Paper Code PointCLIP V2: Prompting CLIP and GPT for Powerful 3D Open-world Learning yangyangyang127/pointclip_v2 • • ICCV 2023 In this paper, ...
Point cloud-based open-vocabulary 3D object detection aims to detect 3D categories that do not have ground-truth annotations in the training set. It is extremely challenging because of the limited data and annotations (bounding boxes with class labels or text descriptions) of 3D scenes. Previous ...