offer);2.通过公开市场购买(open-market purchase);3.私下协议(agreement)。 经常与收购一起出现的词语还有兼并和合 …|基于3个网页 2. 公开市场买进 中央银行的公开市场买进(Open-market Purchase)政策会造成银行体系之:(A)准备货币增加 (B)准备货币减少 (C)货币乘数增加 (D) …
1) open market purchase 公开市场购回股份2) open market repurchase 公开市场股票回购 1. This paper choose the Chinese enterprises which carry on open market repurchase as well as listed in Hong Kong as the research object,to investigate the cumulative abnormal returns(CAR)during the repurchase ...
是“公开市场购买”的意思,就是在股市上买入某公司的流通股,当买入的流通股占到足够大的比例时,就可以控制该公司 国内的“宝能系强吃万科”事件就是用的这种方式
0人 我想了解 open market purchase 被推荐0次 我觉得这个词条解释正确 我觉得这个词条解释不正确 open market purchase 词吧 旧评论(此处已关闭评论功能): 共有主题数0个,贴子数0篇 游客也可发言(记录IP),请遵守视野网站言论规则文明发言 点击/回复 主题 作者 回复 更多>> 会计...
Define Open market purchases. Open market purchases synonyms, Open market purchases pronunciation, Open market purchases translation, English dictionary definition of Open market purchases. n. 1. A freely competitive market operating without restrictions
公开市场购买(open market purchase) 名词解释查看答案更多“公开市场购买(open market purchase) 名词解释”相关的问题 第1题 根据可控性和可测量性两个标准,比较基础货币与M1。你认为哪个更适合作为中介指标?为什么? 点击查看答案 第2题 20世纪60年代和70年代,联邦储备体系的成员银行流失速度非常快。美联储竭力...
First, the central bank conducts an open market purchase in the secondary market, offering m˜ units of fiat money in exchange for private debt at a discount price ρ. In the next period, long-term IOUs mature and long-term An economy with generation-specific consumption goods We modify ...
“Surf Air”), a leading regional air mobility platform, announced that Chairman of the Board,Carl Albert, and Co-Founder and Member of the Board,Sudhin Shahani, purchased 14,500 shares and 17,237 shares, respectively, of the Company’s common stock, for an aggregate purchase...
Open market purchase can A、increase banks' reserve B、increase inter bank rate C、increase money supply D、decrease inflation rate 暂无答案
Pardee Completes Open Market PurchasePhiladelphia, December 3, 2019/PR Newswire/- Pardee Resources Company (OTC: PDER) (the “Company”) announced today that it recently purchased 10,792 PDER common shares @ $161 per share in the open market for $1,754,893 when including the brokerage ...