He is an open book 英语到底难不难学? 光翻译这一块就让很多人头疼了,比如标题里的 open book 什么意思?打开书?手伸出来打两下~仔细回想一下,老师上课明明说的是:Open the book, and turn to page...区别到底在哪,听节目就知道~笔记: open-book exams 开卷考试Is this an open-book exam?这次是开卷...
答案:56.C 细节理解题.根据表格一句子May:Open-book exams can make our burdens lighter,I think.我认为开卷考试可以让我们的负担更轻.和表格三句子Sun:But if we are able to take textbooks into our exams,we will save time and we won't have so many headaches.但如果我们能够带教材进入我们的考试,...
Open-book exams can make our burdens lighter, I think. At least it means that we need not learn so many things by heart any more. Hill: Open-book exams do not mean students do not need textbooks any more. Instead,it shows how much students really understand about the book. It may ...
Bouman and H.W. Riecheiman on open book exams in medical education, discussed during the Association for Medical Education in Europe's (AMEE) 1995 conference in Athens, Greece.BoumanL.N.RiecheimanH.W.EBSCO_AspMedical TeacherBouman IN, Riechelman HW. Open-book exams: aims, facts and future...
The meaning of OPEN-BOOK EXAMINATION is a written examination during which an examinee is permitted to consult references to answer questions calling for organization, analysis, or judgment, rather than memorization.
Both are open book/notes exams.课程大纲上注明了有期中考和期末考,两个考试都是开卷测验。 15.When told to open this book, check that all the questions are there. Look for the words“ END OF PAPER” after the last question.试场主任宣布开卷后,考生须检查试题有否缺漏,最后一题之后应有「试卷完...
What do you think of open-book exams? Do you have anything to say about this kind of exam? Here are several opinions about open-book exams from some students and their teacher.May We students have so many burdens (负担) in our school life. Maybe the examination is the greatest one.Ope...
阅读理解。Some students are talking about open-book exam:May:We students have so many burdens ().Maybe examination is the greatest one.Open-book exams can make our burdens lighter, I think. At least it means that we need not learn so many things by heart any more.Hill:Open-book exams ...
stress of not knowing it...' Learners reported that some were not motivated to study for their examinations and expressed concern on their preparedness in subsequent years of their degree; 'open-book exams can make you feel less prepared for the following year and the rest of your degree'. ...
are not clever, so they need open-book exams不聪明,因此需要开卷考试。根据短文内容,现在的学生学业负担重,因此需要对一些识记量大的科目开卷考试。故选B。 【3】D细节理解题。题意:一些学生不能及时完成考试,唐老师认为是因为什么?A. the time for tests is too short for them考试时间太短;B. there are...