Contribution Graphs for GitHub: Check your GitHub contributions using Home Screen Widgets App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 2022 mit swift ☆220 Contributions for GitHub: Look at your contributions graph in a Today Extension App Store Screenshot 1 2021 objc ☆461 Evolution: An un...
Quick Look plugins - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers. cd to... - Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal dupeGuru - dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan using file names and file contents. zoxide - z...
and she really made the side fringe work well. She also gave my hair TONS of volume, which it doesn't normally have. I am happy. Of course, I will wake up tomorrow and it will be completely flat, but I suppose I can always *try* to recreate that salon look ... try, and fail...
We know who runs the record companies and for sure they are happy to sell this crash test dummy lifestyle to young kids. And when the inevitable happens and an artist is killed or sent to prison they have the replacement ready to go. Just look at everyone wearing...
Six Flags Great Adventure Resort boasts 4 world-class attractions including, Six Flags Great Adventure theme park, Hurricane Harbor water park, the Wild Safari, and new, luxury Savanah Sunset Resort and Spa. LOOK: States with the most drive-in movie theaters ...
it means some things are ready to die and new things are birthed. The death throes can be loud, frightening and possibly even feel a bit dangerous. I feel some of this when I look at current political scenarios in both the US and Canada as I work to intentionally stay facing afutureof...
Simulations on the 2TCM showed that K1 yields good accuracy and robustness while k2 showed lowest stability of all parameters. The 1TCM provides the best compromise between parameter stability and model accuracy; however application of the 2TCM is still feasible and provides a more accurate ...
a look at a fictional 7.8 quake in the SF region that was handled as well as they could imagine possible. My goal was to offer a bit of reassurance to the audience that there is some real utility to thinking about the future, and to spell out (in a cursory way) the kinds of big ...
Look at this… EXCERPT “It has been my experience (and Corbett states this), that he follows his own path of interest. He goes where he wants to go. I strongly admire that.” –HRS...
Look at Velcro, damn our scouting department stinks TheNorm Says: November 11th, 2018 at 1:53 pm I remember at the beginning of the year most of you idiots on here thought this was a good team. And I told all of you no it wasn’t. 6 wins tops. And now listen all of you ...