Представляетзначение xsd:integer дляатрибутов. InvalidMCContentException Исключение, котороевозникаетприошибкахсодержимогосовместимостиразметки. ...
The Project XML schema is available in the Project SDK, as the file mspdi_pj15.xsd. You can create an XML file by saving a project to XML, and then editing the file. If you programmatically create an XML string, you should validate it against the schema before using it with theOpenXM...
XSD Tutorial Examples XSL-FO Tutorial Examples All books... Other Tutorial Books 200 Years of Chinese Calendar Android Tutorial Examples Astrology and Horoscope Big5 Character Set Bitcoin Tutorials Blowfish Cipher Tutorials CD/DVD Tutorial Examples Cheminformatics Tutorials Chinese Web Sites using PHP Compu...
2. Installed .Net 4 using the full standalone package - dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64 (49,268KB size - file version 4.0.30319.1) 3. Installed WMF 3.0 using - Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu (16,171KB size) 4. Ran the Command WinRM QuickConfig - which set up WinRM and applied the app...
Схема Project XML доступнавпакете SDK для Project, таккакфайл mspdi_pj15.xsd. Выможетесоздать XML-файл, сохранивпроектвФОРМАТЕ XML, азатемизменивфайл. Припрограм...